Dr. Dorothee Spuhler

UMTEC Institut für Umwelt- und VerfahrenstechnikProjektleiterin, Dozierende globale Zusammenarbeit, Wasser & Abwasser
+41 58 257 17 11dorothee.spuhler@ost.ch
Fachliche Schwerpunkte
- Conceptual system design of circular water and wastewater systems using appropriate technologies
- Sustainability assessment combining methods from MCDA, MFA, and LCA
- Decision support and strategic planning
- Proof-of-concepts
Wissenschaftliche Auszeichnungen, Preise
- SNF BRIDGE Proof of Concept postdoctoral fellow
- I work with partners from NGOs, universities and development agencies. To do so, I use so I use co-creation and several networks.
- OST Wassercluster: https://www.wasserclusterost.ch/index.php?id=19581
- Swiss Water Partnership (SWP): https://www.swisswaterpartnership.ch/
- Swiss network for circular sanitaiton (VaLoo): www.va-loo.ch
- Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA): https://www.susana.org/en/
- Swiss community of practice for water and sanitation in international cooperation: https://aguasan.ch/
Fachliche Schwerpunkte
- Conceptual system design of circular water and wastewater systems using appropriate technologies
- Sustainability assessment combining methods from MCDA, MFA, and LCA
- Decision support and strategic planning
- Proof-of-concepts
Wissenschaftliche Auszeichnungen, Preise
- SNF BRIDGE Proof of Concept postdoctoral fellow
- I work with partners from NGOs, universities and development agencies. To do so, I use so I use co-creation and several networks.
- OST Wassercluster: https://www.wasserclusterost.ch/index.php?id=19581
- Swiss Water Partnership (SWP): https://www.swisswaterpartnership.ch/
- Swiss network for circular sanitaiton (VaLoo): www.va-loo.ch
- Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA): https://www.susana.org/en/
- Swiss community of practice for water and sanitation in international cooperation: https://aguasan.ch/