Sensitising stationary and ambulatory care facilities and training centres to the needs of elderly LGBTI and people living with HIV/AIDS in Switzerland – Study commissioned by PINK CROSS

The aim of the study is to sensitise care institutions for the elderly (stationary and ambulatory facilities, as well as educational centres) in Switzerland to the needs of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex (LGBTI), as well as to the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. The study supplies representative data to key decision-makers, who can use it as a basis for making important decisions.

Team members: Sabina Misoch (IAF-FHS; Lead), Grazia Buccheri Hess (IAF-FHS), Silvan Tarnutzer (IAF-FHS), Marlene Brettenhofer (IAF-FHS); in collaboration with the institute for sociocultural development HSLU and the Institute Age BFH.

Funding: Study commissioned by PINK CROSS with the financial support of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), Aidshilfe Schweiz (AHS), SWISSLOS Aargau, SWISSLOS Appenzell Ausserrhoden, SWISSLOS Basel-Landschaft, SWISSLOS Solothurn.



Institut für Soziokulturelle Entwicklung Hochschule Luzern; Institut Alter der Berner Fachhochschule




Bundesamts für Gesundheit (BAG); Aidshilfe Schweiz (AHS); SWISSLOS Aargau; SWISSLOS Appenzell Ausserrhoden; SWISSLOS Basel-Landschaft; SWISSLOS Solothurn




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