Analog electronics and microcontrollers

Although digitalization is constantly advancing and an increasing number of complete solutions are being offered, basic analogue and digital knowledge plays an important role especially where an innovative and unconventional solution is required. The Institute for Electronics, Sensors and Actuators ESA is your ideal partner for finding a professional solution

The ESA Institute offers experience in the following areas of expertise:

  • We offer excellent knowledge in the field of analog topologies, be it for handling energy (power electronics) or signals (analog amplifiers, filters, oscillators, PLLs)
  • We can also offer many years of experience in the field of digital electronics: from individual logic gates and toggle circuits to CPLDs or FPGAs. We are proficient in both VHDL and Verilog
  • Passive customized components, especially inductors and transformers, are a core competence of ESA. We can calculate, simulate and optimize these components
  • We are at home in the field of measurement electronics and electromagnetic compatibility and can offer you a wide range of topologies and measurement methods for various issues. Clean grounding concepts and interference-resistant layouts are already included at breakfast!
  • When the frequency gets higher, we are not afraid and are happy to support you in an RF task, both with discrete and integrated solutions  

Contact us for more information!

René Grabher

ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik Dozent für Elektronik

+41 58 257 34 18

Prof. Guido Piai

ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik Professor für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik

+41 58 257 33 91