EMC and electrical measurement technology

EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) looks at the mutual interference of electrical systems and the effects of electromagnetic fields. EMC as a discipline examines the interference mechanisms and coupling paths in order to ensure the function and reliability of technical systems thanks to suitable measures.

The ESA Institute offers experience in the following areas of expertise:

  • Detection of conducted emissions from devices from 9 kHz to 30 MHz. Our measuring receiver can perform complete measurements in minutes, allowing the effectiveness of measures taken to be checked quickly. Mains-connected devices can be supplied via three-phase up to 32 A. As a specialty, we offer separate measurement of common mode and differential mode interference, which considerably simplifies the design of filters.
  • Detection of radiated emissions from smaller devices using the clamp method (interference power measurement) and, from summer 2018, using a GTEM cell as a cost-effective alternative to expensive hall measurements.
  • Emission tests using various methods such as electrostatic discharge, burst, surge and pulsed electromagnetic fields. Thanks to near-field probes, the sources of interference can be precisely determined and closed with the appropriate measures.
  • Power quality is a sub-area of EMC that deals with network perturbations (voltage distortions, harmonics, flicker) and power analysis. We operate a corresponding measuring station.
  • Development of special measurement solutions such as shielding attenuation measurements, determination of the link budget of RF transmission paths, conductivity measurement in accordance with the MIL standard of metallic surfaces or electrical conductors in the micro-ohm range, measurement and localization of leakage and leakage currents, Energy absorption of battery devices in the microwatt range, testing of RF connectors, lightning simulation with Marx generator (100 kV, 300 A), detection of partial discharges and sliding discharges, high-resolution current measurement, measurement of line parameters such as wave impedance and propagation velocity.

High-frequency antenna systems and electromagnetic compatibility

Contact us for more information!

Prof. Adrian Weitnauer

ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik Professor

+41 58 257 31 84 adrian.weitnauer@ost.ch

Prof. Guido Piai

ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik Professor für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik

+41 58 257 33 91 guido.piai@ost.ch