Electronics for sensors and medical technology

This area of expertise deals with the design of medical devices for diagnosis and therapy, in particular the necessary electronics, signal acquisition and processing. Medical technology is a rapidly growing sector of the Swiss economy.

The ESA Institute offers experience in the following areas of expertise:

  • Recording and evaluation of bioelectrical signals such as ECG and EEG. This includes the use of modern electrode technology with low-noise and robust preamplifiers.
  • Design and development of ultrasound-based diagnostic and therapeutic devices/laboratory equipment for medical research or for testing new procedures. Development of broadband linear ultrasonic transmitter output stages for high output voltages and high frequencies. Low-noise ultrasonic receivers with variable amplification and subsequent FPGA pre-processing of the signals. Electronics and signal processing for ultrasonic Doppler devices.
  • Development of portable, ultra-lightweight devices for the derivation, processing and long-term monitoring of bioelectric signals, low-power design with wireless data transmission or local data storage.
  • Precise, ultrasound-based position transducers for medical applications: As an alternative to optical systems, ultrasound can provide a cost-effective solution.
  • Holistic assessment of concepts for medical devices, including analog/digital, power supply/safety, physical constraints/technical feasibility, manufacturability/costs, etc. Benefit from our experience in system technology.

Contact us for more information!

Prof. Guido Piai

ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik Professor für Elektrotechnik und Elektronik

+41 58 257 33 91 guido.piai@ost.ch

Prof. Dr. Urs Moser

ESA Institut für Elektronik, Sensorik und Aktorik

+41 58 257 33 79 urs.moser@ost.ch