Research project
CoSoG4PV – Certification of (colored) Solar Glass for PV-modules
Introduced in 2002, the "SPF Solar Glass Certificate" has become a widely used tool for quality assurance in the solar thermal industry worldwide and was extended to solar glass for PV modules in 2012. As part of the certification, the influence of transmission, its change due to solarization and the incidence angle modifier (IAM) on the performance of the end product (i.e. solar thermal collector, PV module) is condensed into a single factor. However, the certification process for glass for PV modules is relatively complex and therefore time-consuming and cost-intensive. In addition, colored glass cannot always be evaluated correctly. The demand for colored PV modules, especially for building integrated photovoltaics, is constantly increasing. The aim of the CoSoG4PV project, is to extend the certification process to colored solar glass and to simplify the certification process. Therefore, a new measurement device is being developed at SPF and the methodology for the SPF Solarglass PV certificate is being adapted.
Contact: Vera Gütle
Duration: 01.12.2022 - 30.11.2024
Stefan Brunold
SPF Institut für SolartechnikStv. Institutsleiter SPF, Teamleiter SPF Kollektortechnik & Optik
+41 58 257 48