
The University Board of Trustees is the strategic management of OST. Members are selected by the governments of the respective sponsoring regions. The Board consists of 15 members from business, society, science and education administration from the seven OST sponsors.

Board of Trustees

[Translate to English:] Michael Auer, Hochschulratspräsident der OST


Michael Auer

Founder and partner, Parrtner AG

Chairman of the Executive Committee

[Translate to English:] Luzia Truniger, Vize-Hochschulratspräsidentin OST


Luzia Truniger

Owner of Hochschulconsulting

Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee

Member of the Executive Committee

[Translate to English:] Markus Bänziger, Hochschulrat OST

Markus Bänziger

Director of St.Gallen-Appenzell Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Chairman of the Finance Committee

Member of the Executive Committee

Andreas Bong

Head Corporate Research & Technology, Hilti AG

[Translate to English:] Silvio Breitenmoser, Hochschulrat OST

Silvio Breitenmoser

Departmental Secretary of the Department of Education and Head of the Office for Secondary and Higher Education of the Canton of Appenzell-Innerrhoden

Member of the Finance Committee

Andreas Deuber

Director of Studies at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons


[Translate to English:] Peter Kistler, Hochschulrat OST

Peter Kistler

Country Manager, Bruker AXS Schweiz

Member of the HR Committee

[Translate to English:] Agnes König, Hochschulrätin OST

Agnes König

Director of Nursing, Kantonsspital Münsterlingen

Benjamin Mühlemann

Member of the Swiss Council of the Canton of Glarus


[Translate to English:] Edith Rehli-Wolfinger, Hochschulrätin OST

Edith Rehli-Wolfinger

Lead Physician, Spital Grabs

Member of the Finance Committee

Roland Siegwart

Head of Wyss Zurich Translational Center, ETH Zurich

[Translate to English:] Claude Stadler, Hochschulrat OST

Claude Stadler

Head, Corporate Services, SFS Group

Chairman of the Buchs Regional Advisory Council

[Translate to English:] Hanspeter Thür, Hochschulrat OST

Hanspeter Thür

Represenative for the Canton of St.Gallen

Member of the Executive Committee

Chairman of the St.Gallen Regional Advisory Council

René Weber

Christof Widmer

Chief Officer of the Canton of Thurgau

[Translate to English:] Zoe Stadler, Personalvertreterin, Fachbereichsleiterin Power-to-Gas, Institut für Energietechnik

Zoe Stadler

Staff Representative, Head, Power-to-Gas Section, Institute of Energy Technology

Nancy Eckert

Head of the Office of the Sponsors' Conference and the Board of Trustees

[Translate to English:] Carlo Höhener, OST

Carlo Höhener

Director of Administration

[Translate to English:] Daniel Seelhofer, OST

Daniel Seelhofer


Denis Zanetti

Student representative, Systems Engineering student