Contact Program director
BSc Business Information Technology
Kevin Bieber
MSc Business Information Technology
Prof. Dr. Christian Thiel
IPM Institute for Information and Process Management
Rosenbergstrasse 59, 9001 St. Gallen
+41 58 257 14 00
At the IPM Institute of Information and Process Management, we live and teach our craft, imparting our extensive professional experience in all areas of Business Information Technology. Our lecturers are responsible for a variety of courses in both Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Master of Science (MSc) degree programs in Business Information Technology and also lecture on the various aspects of digital transformation in other OST degree programs.
In all our degree programmes, we impart basic knowledge related to different fields whilst at the same time incorporating the latest findings from practice and research, thus enabling students to acquire practical and up-to-date know-how and expertise.
Campus St. Gallen

Campus Rapperswil