Control Theory

Our specializations and expertise

Control engineering is a fascinating discipline that deals with the control and regulation of dynamic systems. From the temperature control of a room to the precision control of industrial plants - wherever systems need to be controlled, control engineering plays a crucial role. Our expertise lies in analyzing these complex systems, developing mathematical models and designing intelligent control strategies.

Dynamic system modeling and analysis

We deal with the modeling of systems. By creating mathematical models, the behavior of systems can be predicted and analyzed. These models are the basis for effective control strategies or sophisticated simulations. Our work in this area has been incorporated into the Loft Dynamics VR simulator, for example.

Design and implementation of control systems

The development of customized control strategies is our strength. From classic PID controllers to modern methods such as model predictive control, we work on controlling systems stably, efficiently and precisely. We put this expertise to profitable use in a wide range of application areas. We are particularly in demand as an interface between science and industry for our project partners when it comes to complex control engineering problems.

Smart grid analyses and implementations

The electricity grid is undergoing a fundamental change towards decentralized generation and in the future, significantly more control and optimization will be necessary to guarantee economical and error-free operation. At OST, we have the necessary expertise in the field of power grids, optimization and control to actively shape the transformation of our energy supply. We cover all important areas from theory to implementation.

Industrial applications

Our control engineering expertise spans a wide range of industries, including automation, robotics, energy and manufacturing. We work to develop innovative solutions to increase efficiency and performance in industrial processes.

Control of multi-input-multi-output systems

The control of a complex system requires precise measurement and estimation of the system status. For the estimation, it is useful to collect data with different sensor systems and process them together. ICOM offers support for generating controllers for multi-size systems «from a single source», e.g. with H2 or H∞ methods.

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Markus Kottmann

Prof. Dr. Lukas Ortmann

ICOM Institut für Kommunikationssysteme Professor for Control Systems

+41 58 257 16 98

Prof. Dr. Markus Kottmann

Studiengang BSc Electrical and Computer Engineering Studiengangsleiter, Professor for Control Systems

+41 58 257 45 59

Claudio Stucki

ICOM Institut für Kommunikationssysteme Wissenschaftlicher MA II

+41 58 257 42 20

Bruno Vollenweider

ICOM Institut für Kommunikationssysteme Wissenschaftlicher MA II, Sektorleiter Komplexe Regelung

+41 58 257 46 99