Competence Center for Knowledge Transfer & Innovation
The Competence Center for Knowledge Transfer & Innovation (WTT) offers paid market research and management designs in national and international markets for all types of businesses and public institutions. All OST students on the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Business Information Technology degree programme complete three or four of these assignments as their «real-life student consulting projects» during their studies, with the aim of improving their practical expertise. They work either in teams or alone, but always accompanied by OST lecturers. The project objectives defined in collaboration with the client must be executed using appropriate methodology and with outcomes that are directly applicable in your business. The real-life student consulting projects are a strategic pillar and a unique selling proposition (USP) of OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences.
Every year in September to mark the end of the projects, the WTT organises the WTT YOUNG LEADER AWARD. At the awards ceremony, the best real-life student consulting project teams in the categories Market Research and Management Design are honoured before an audience consisting of students as well as representatives from the worlds of business, politics and science.
Our Program range
- CPIM - International
- JCSP - Joint Chinese Swiss Program
- JUSP - Joint US Swiss Program
Project enquiry
We will be happy to discuss your requirements or ideas for a real-life student consulting project, as well as the different options available to you

requested from...
“The project team impressed us with their practical approach, valuable external perspective, academic methodology and strict project management. The final report is a genuinely useful working document.”
Nayla Stössel, President, Longines CSIO Switzerland, St.Gallen Milo Stössel, CEO MS Direct AG, St.Gallen
OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Competence Center for Knowledge Transfer & Innovation
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St.Gallen, Switzerland