Optical Microsystems (MOEMS)
The term MOEMS describes micro technical components or systems with optical functions. Among others this could be micro mechanical systems to vary the cavitylength of a laser, micromirrors in optical circuit boards or micromachined optical filters for wavelength tuning.
Design and Simulation
To design such MOEMS components we use mechanical, thermal and optical simulation tools ensuring correct dimensioning and enabling a first proof of function. Next to finite element simulations (FEM) for mechanical and thermal aspects we use the ray-tracing and waveoptic (FDTD, FEM, BPM) simulation tool to investigate the aspects of a system.
Manufacturing of functional prototypes
You need to solve a problem involving the integration of a optical functionality into a system? You are looking for a qualified partner? We gladly offer to assist you with our know-how and well equipped laboratory.
We have already realised a wide range of MOEMS structures. These include fiber based systems like fiber optical detector heads and optical filters, so called etalons. To tune the wavelength of a laser one can either use solid etalons (without actuator) or tunable etalons (with integrated actuators). Both options have been developed in recent years within the scope of different projects. The implementation of silicon micro mechanical parts in MOEMS is of great importance, e.g. the realisation of a micro bench system for the fine positioning of optical fibers.

Characterization of MOEMS
There are versatile testing and analytical methods necessary to verify and characterise MOEMS structures. Next to electrical and mechanical performance tests we are specialised in testing the optical functionality. There are different methods to characterise parameters like dimensional accuracy, surface quality or deflection for which mostly optical profilers, confocal profilers or white light interferometers are used. Thin film analytics play a significant role as well. When measuring fiber or waveguide based systems properties like losses, beam profile and beam divergence need to be measured as well. In any of these cases the MNT presents itself as a well qualified partner.

Prof. Dr. Markus Michler
IMP Institut für Mikrotechnik und Photonik Professor für Physik und Photonik Leiter Kompetenzbereich integrierte Optik, Profilleiter Photonics
+41 58 257 34 64 markus.michler@ost.ch