Kevin Bieber

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementStudiengangsleiter BSc Wirtschaftsinformatik
+41 58 257 17
Kevin Bieber is the head of the Bachelor's program in Business Information Systems and is a lecturer for various topics in business information systems.
Before working in education, Kevin Bieber was a project manager for digitalization projects in the financial industry and a consultant for various industries.
Area of Expertise
- Project Management
- University development
- Digital teaching and learning
- Visual Communication
- Master of Science in Business Information Systems FHNW
- Master of Science in International Management FHNW
- Eidgenössischer Fachausweis Ausbilder
- Certified Project Manager PMI PMP (Project Management Professional) and Scrum Master
Professional Experience
- Head of the Bachelor in Business Information Systems program at OST
- Lecturer for Business Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
- Senior Project Manager in Banking
- ICT Consultant for various companies and industries
Teaching Experience
- Introduction to Business Informatics / Information Management
- Project Management
- Business Process Management
- IT Management
- Design Thinking
- Visual communication (self-developed elective module)
- Supervision of student projects and bachelor theses
Involvement in various projects in the field of university development:
- Participation in the think tank "Innovation School" dealing with the future of university teaching
- Development of best practices in teaching
- Development of recommendations for online teaching (Netiquette)
- Member of the selection committee for the funding of projects in teaching (Auswahlkommission Lehrfonds)
Editorials and Reviewing
- Reviewer of case studies for the Open Education Platform (
- Teaching Award «Best Lecturer» in the degree programme Business Administration (Betriebsökonomie) FHNW in Olten