Prof. Dr. Christian Thiel

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementStudiengangsleiter Wirtschaftsinformatik MSc und Professor für Wirtschaftsinformatik

+41 58 257 17

Christian Thiel is a Professor of Business Information Technology at the Institute for Information and Process Management (IPM). He teaches in the bachelor's and master's programs in business informatics, business economics and industrial engineering. In addition, he is active in the acquisition and implementation of service and research projects. His professional focus is on cyber security, IT governance, IT risk and IT compliance management as well as IT (service) management, business continuity management and IT audit.
He has more than 15 years of professional experience as a consultant and line manager in the IT and finance sector. Among other things, he worked for the German savings bank organization as a consultant and project manager for innovative security technologies and as Chief Information Security Officer for Raiffeisen Switzerland. Christian holds a doctorate in computer science from Saarland University and, outside of the university, has gained several years of research experience at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science and IBM's European Network Center.

Area of Expertise

  • IT Governance & IT (Service) Management
  • IT Risk Management & IT Compliance Management
  • Information Security Management
  • Cyber Security
  • Business Continuity Management
  • IT Audit
  • Testing and certification of IT products


    -Doctorate in engineering at the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken '-Studies of computer science at the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken

Professional Experience

  • Professor of Business Information Technology at the Institute for Information and Process Management IPM
  • 2001 - 2008 Chief Information Security Officer of Raiffeisen Switzerland, St. Gallen
  • 2000 - 2001 Technology Area Manager IT Security of SYSTOR AG, Basel
  • 1997 - 2000 Consultant for "Innovative Security Technologies" at the SIZ IT Center of the Savings Banks Organization, Bonn
  • 1996 - 1997 Visiting Scientist at the European Network Center of IBM, Heidelberg
  • 1992 - 1996 Visiting Scientist at the MPII Max Planck Institute for Computer Science, Saarbrücken

Teaching Experience

  • Reliable IT infrastructure
  • IT Management, Governance and Information Security
  • Business Informatics Seminar
  • Coach for practical projects
  • Artifacts in Information Technologie (Graduate level)
  • Bachelor and master theses


  • Research project "Benefit-based Digitalization Navigator" (part of the IBH Lab KMUdigital of the IBH Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule)
  • Research project "Data Science for SMEs" (part of the IBH Lab KMUdigital of IBH Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule)
  • Research project "SELBA - Recognize, understand, change and monitor self workload and work stress" (innosuisse)
  • Study setup SOC as a Service for an IT service provider (Innosuisse)
  • Service projects: Data protection and security concepts for various companies


  • Information Security Society Switzerland ISSS (on the board of directors)
  • Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft

Editorials and Reviewing

' Reviewer for the Journal "Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business"

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • THIEL, C. (2024). Krypto-Agilität und Post-Quanten-Kryptografie: Strategien zur Sicherung digitaler Geschäftsprozesse im Quantenzeitalter. In Mathis, Uta; Ondrusch, Nicole; Kilian, Dietmar; Krcmar, Helmut; Turowski, Klaus; Weidner, Stefan; Wittges, Holger (Eds.), Proceedings der SAP Academic Community Conference 2024.
  • THIEL, C., THIEL, C. (2021). Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptographic Methods and Their Suitability for Long-Term Preservation of Evidential Value. In Andreja Pucihar, Mirjana Kljajic Borštnar , Roger Bons, Helen Cripps , Anand Sheombar, Doroteja Vidmar (Eds.), 34th Bled eConference – Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change (pp. 481-493).
  • FIORE, D., THIEL, C., BALDAUF, M. (2020). Potenziale von Chatbots für den innerbetrieblichen IT-Support. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 57 (1), pp. 77-88. 10.1365/s40702-019-00578-7
  • FIORE, D., BALDAUF, M., THIEL, C. (2019). "Forgot your password again?": acceptance and user experience of a chatbot for in-company IT support. Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 1-11). ACM Press. 10.1145/3365610.3365617
  • BOLLHALDER, R., THIEL, C., PUNZ, T. (2015). How the God Particle will Help You Securing Your Assets. In Helmut Reimer, Norbert Pohlmann, Wolfgang Schneider (Eds.), ISSE 2015 (pp. 146-156). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien . 10.1007/978-3-658-10934-9_13
  • THIEL, C., THIEL, C. (2015). Industry 4.0 – Challenges in Anti-Counterfeiting. In Helmut Reimer, Norbert Pohlmann, Wolfgang Schneider (Eds.), ISSE 2015 (pp. 111-120). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien . 10.1007/978-3-658-10934-9_10
  • THIEL, C., THIEL, C. (2014). Enforcing Data Privacy in the Age of Google Glass. In Helmut Reimer, Norbert Pohlmann, Wolfgang Schneider (Eds.), ISSE 2014 Securing Electronic Business Processes (pp. 220-229). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien . 10.1007/978-3-658-06708-3_18

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • BAUMGARTEN, C., BRENNER, A., ENGELKE, D., STÖCKLER, S., THIEL, C., THOMA, A., ZIMMERMANN, H.-D. (2022). Perspektiven auf das Konzept der digitalgestützten Zusammenarbeit. Springer Gabler, pp. 143-177. Wiesbaden.
  • THIEL, C., THIEL, C., FIEDLER, A. (2021, June). .; Verlässliche Personenidentifizierung mittels Techniken der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit , 45 (7), pp. 462-466.
  • THIEL, C., THIEL, C. (2020). Distributed Ledger Technologie (DLT) im Kontext europäischer Vertrauensdienste. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit , 44 (4), pp. 250-253.
  • THIEL, C., FIEDLER, A., THIEL, C. (2018). Umsetzung technischer Anforderungen der DSGVO mittels eIDAS-VO-konformer Vertrauensdienste. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit , 42 (4), pp. 236-240.
  • KUGLER, P., THIEL, C. (2017, November). KMU in eine digitale Zukunft navigieren. substanz (Bildungsmagazin), pp. 46-47. St. Gallen.
  • THIEL, C., FIEDLER, A., THIEL, C. (2016). Organisationsübergreifendes Sicherheits- und Servicemanagement mittels eIDAS-konformer Vertrauensdienste. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit , 40 (10), pp. 675-679.
  • THIEL, C., THIEL, C. (2015). Hare and Tortoise - Can Industry 4.0 win the race against Counterfeiting and Piracy? Datenschutz und Datensicherheit , 39 (10), pp. 663-667.
  • THIEL, C. (2014). Mobile Technologien. KU-Gesundheitsmanagement, 2014 (10), pp. 56-58.


  • BALDAUF, M., ETTEMEYER, A., IHLENBURG, D., JAESCHKE, P., KUGLER, P., OLBERT-BOCK, S., ... ZIMMERMANN, H.-D. (2019). DigitalisierungsNavigator DigiNav. DIR Konferenz Digitale Innovation in der Region "Neue Anwendungsfälle der digitalen Revolution in Industrie und Wirtschaft" (25.11.2019).
  • THIEL, C. (2019). Wie können KMU ihre Digitalisierungsstrategie selbst entwickeln?.
  • BALDAUF, M., ETTEMEYER, A., IHLENBURG, D., JAESCHKE, P., KUGLER, P., OLBERT-BOCK, S., ... ZIMMERMANN, H.-D. (2017). DigitalisierungsNavigator DigiNav, Posterpräsentation. Swissmechanic Business Day (14.09.2017).