Research project
Digital divide - What do older employees really need in the context of digital transformation?
The project in cooperation between the HR-Panel New Work and the Institute of Age Research dealt with the question to what extent an age-related digital divide is perceived in companies and what role age-discriminatory prejudices play in this context.
As never before, the topic of generational differences is present when it comes to shaping the digital transformation. Specifically, there is repeated talk of a "digital divide" - a gap between younger and older employees with regard to the skills and use of information and communication technologies (ICT). In view of the studies to date, however, it can be critically questioned to what extent age stereotypes also play a role in this context and whether the cited digital divide is socially constructed. Against this background, a project in cooperation between the HR Panel New Work and the Institute of Age Research investigated the extent to which companies perceive an age-related digital divide, what this is determined by and what role age-discriminatory prejudices play in this. These questions were addressed in an online survey of employees and a focus group discussion with managers from various sectors.
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.08.2019
FHS-Interne Finanzierung
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Cloots
IGD Institut für Gender & DiversityInstitutsleiterin Gender und Diversity, Leiterin HR-Panel New Work
+41 58 257 17