Research project
GISOptiTes - Potential assessment of large-scale seasonal thermal energy storage in Switzerland by means of GIS based energy modelling and optimization
In this project we will develop a methodology to increase the synergies between top-down and bottom-up energy optimization tools with the aim of assessing the potentials of large-scale seasonal thermal energy storage (TES) in Switzerland.
The top-down approach carried out with Energy Scope will be used to assess the transition path and the potentials of energy storage as well as electricity markets without considering the space domain and, therefore, independent of local conditions. With the help of these transition paths, we will define the impact of market and cost conditions on the role that seasonal thermal energy storages can play.
The bottom-up approach will be based on the optihood optimization framework (optihood) coupled with GIS data. In this way, we will be able to take into account the necessary local reality with the consideration of important aspects such as the availability of different thermal energy storage technologies due to e.g. geography and regulations.
Contact: Krisztina Kelevitz
Duration: 10.01.2024 - 31.03.2026
Dr. Krisztina Kelevitz
SPF Institut für SolartechnikProjektleiterin SPF
+41 58 257 40