Dr. Stefan Ch. Ott

Lehre Departement WirtschaftDozent

+41 58 257 17 07stefan.ott@ost.ch

Dr. Stefan Ott is a lecturer in mathematics and statistics at the School of Management. His main focus is on applied statistics. He teaches calculus, annuity mathematics, descriptive statistics, probability theory, inferential statistics, market research and formal logic. For some time he worked as a senior consultant for various financial institutions and as a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). He received his PhD from the Chair of Statistics at the University of St. Gallen under Prof. Dr. Alex Keel on statistical methods in finance.

Area of Expertise

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied statistics, especially non-parametric and multivariate methods
  • Market research


  • Doctorate Dr. oec. HSG on "Risk and Stochastic Dominance" at the University of St. Gallen (HSG).
  • Studies of Business Mathematics at the University of Augsburg. Degree: Dipl.-Math. oec. (Univ.)

Professional Experience

  • Lecturer at the School of Management, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
  • Assistant and Lecturer at the Department of Statistics, University of St. Gallen (HSG)
  • Senior Consultant at WaKa Holding AG, Pfäffikon SZ
  • Senior Consultant at Bonafide Wealth Management AG, Pfäffikon SZ (today Balzers)

Teaching Experience

  • Business Mathematics and Statistics A (Bachelor level for Business Administration and Information Systems): Descriptive Statistics, Analysis 1, Analysis 2
  • Business Mathematics and Statistics B (Bachelor level for Business Economics): Mathematics of annuities, Probability theory, inferential statistics
  • Business Mathematics and Statistics W (Bachelor level for Business Information Systems): Logic, probability theory, conclusive statistics
  • Market research for practical projects
  • Coaching of market research projects
  • Supervision of Bachelor theses


'Various research projects in collaboration with the IPW (Department of Health).

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • GATTINGER, H., OTT, S. C., MAURER, C., BRIGITTE MARTY-TEUBER, B., HANTIKAINEN, V., FRINGER, A. (2023). Effect of an educational intervention on nurses’ competence in activities of daily living support in end-of-life care using a pretest–posttest repeated measures design. BMC Palliative Care (part of Springer Nature), 22 (119). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12904-023-01232-2
  • SCHWANINGER, M., OTT, S. C. (2023). What is Variety Engineering and Why Do We Need it? Systems Research and Behavioral Science, pp. 1–12. 10.1002/sres.2964
  • SCHWANINGER, M., OTT, S. C. (2022). O que é engenharia de variedade e porquê precisiamos dela? Congresso Brasileiro de Sistema de 2022.
  • SCHNELLI, A., OTT, S. C., ZELLER, H., MAYER, H. (2022). Aggressive incidents in home care services and organizational support: A cross-sectional survey in Switzerland. Journal of Nursing Management, 30 (6), pp. 1600-1609.
  • GLAUS, A., KOBLEDER, A., OTT, S. C., MEICHLINGER, J. (2022). Bewegungsförderung bei Frauen während der Brustkrebstherapie: Eine Mixed-Methods Evaluation einer pflegerischen Beratung. Pflege, 35 (5), pp. 259-268.
  • OTT, S. C., KOHLER, M., MULLIS, J., KESSELRING, J., SAXER, S. (2022). Promoting urinary continence in people suffering a stroke: Effectiveness of a complex intervention – An intervention study. Nursing Open, 9 (2), pp. 1262–1275.
  • SCHNELLI, A., MAYER, H., OTT, S. C., ZELLER, H. (2021). Experience of aggressive behavior of health professionals in home care services and the role of persons with dementia. Nursing Open, 8 (2), pp. 833-843.
  • SCHNELLI, A., OTT, S. C., MAYER, H., ZELLER, H. (2021). Factors associated with aggressive behaviour in persons with cognitive impairments using home care services: a retrospective cross-sectional study. Nursing Open, 8 (3), pp. 1345-1359.
  • OTT, S. C., FRINGER, A., STÄNGLE, S., BÜCHE, D., SCHNEPP, W. (2020). The associations of palliative care experts regarding food refusal: A cross-sectional study with an open question evaluated by triangulation analysis. Plos One, 15 (4), pp. e0231312. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0231312
  • OTT, S. C., FRINGER, A., STÄNGLE, S., BISCHOFBERGER, I., BÜCHE, D., PRAXMARER, R., SCHNEPP, W. (2020). Experiences of relatives with outpatient palliative care: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 26 (5), pp. 230-237.
  • IVANCIC, R., OTT, S. C. (2020). Machine Economicus - Business Firecast 4.0 Methods to predict short-, medium- and long term futures. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 37 (3), pp. 20-31.
  • OTT, S. C., KOFLER, S., KOBLEDER, A., SENN, B. (2020). The effect of written information and counselling by an advanced practice nurse on resilience in women with vulvar neoplasia six months after surgical treatment and the influence of social support, recurrence, and age: a secondary analysis of a multicenter randomized controlled trial, WOMAN-PRO II. BMC Women's Health, 20 (95), pp. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12905-020-00965-z
  • GATTINGER, H., SENN, B., HANTIKAINEN, V., KÖPKE, S., OTT, S. C., LEINO-KILPI, H. (2018). The self-reported and observed competence of nursing staff in mobility care based on Kinaesthetics in nursing homes – A cross-sectional study. Pflege, 31 (6), pp. 319-329. 10.1024/1012-5302/a000641
  • RAPHAELIS, S., MAYER, H., OTT, S. C., HORNUNG, R., SENN, B. (2018). Effects of Written Information and Counseling on Illness-Related Uncertainty in Women With Vulvar Neoplasia. Oncology Nursing Forum, 45 (6), pp. 748-760. 10.1188/18.ONF.748-760
  • KOBLEDER, A., MAYER, H., GEHRIG, L., OTT, S. C., SENN, B. (2018). Wirksamkeit von APN-Interventionen in der gynäkologischen Onkologie. Eine systematische Literaturübersicht. Klinische Pflegeforschung.
  • STARK, M., TIETZ, R., GATTINGER, H., HANTIKAINEN, V., OTT, S. C. (2017). Effects of a mobility monitoring system on the cost of care in relation to reimbursement at Swiss nursing homes: learnings from a randomized controlled trial. Health Economics Review, 7 (1). 10.1186/s13561-017-0178-y
  • GATTINGER, H., HANTIKAINEN, V., OTT, S. C., STARK, M. (2017). Effectiveness of a mobility monitoring system included in the nursing care process in order to enhance the sleep quality of nursing home residents with cognitive impairment. Health and Technology, 7 (2-3), pp. 161-171. 10.1007/s12553-016-0168-9
  • GATTINGER, H., HANTIKAINEN, V., OTT, S. C., STARK, M. (2017). Auswirkung eines Systems zur Mobilitätsüberwachung auf die Schlafqualität von Menschen mit Demenz. 9. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress für Informationstechnologie im Gesundheits-, Pflege und Sozialbereich.
  • RAPHAELIS, S., MAYER, H., OTT, S. C., MUELLER, M. D., STEINER, E., JOURA, E., SENN, B. (2017). The impact of written information and counseling (WOMAN-PRO II Program) on symptom outcomes in women with vulvar neoplasia: A multicenter randomized controlled phase II study. Gynecologic oncology, 146 (1), pp. 114-122. 10.1016/j.ygyno.2017.04.024
  • FRINGER, A., HILFIKER, M., OTT, S. C., SCHIESS, C., FEHN, S., SCHNEPP, W. (2017). Übersetzung, Validierung und Testung der „Palliative Care Praxis-Umsetzungsskala“ sowie des „Palliative Care Herausforderungsassessments“. Pflegewissenschaft, 4 (3), pp. 193–204.
  • GATTINGER, H., LEINO-KILPI, H., HANTIKAINEN, V., KÖPKE, S., OTT, S. C., SENN, B. (2016). Assessing nursing staff’s competences in mobility support in nursing-home care: development and psychometric testing of the Kinaesthetics Competence (KC) observation instrument. BMC Nursing, 15 (1). 10.1186/s12912-016-0185-z
  • SCHIESS, C., OTT, S. C., FRINGER, A., RAPHAELIS, S., KOBLEDER, A., GAFNER, D., ... SENN, B. (2015). Informational Needs of Women with Vulvar Neoplasia in the First Week after Hospital Discharge – A Mixed Methods Study. Annals of Nursing and Practice, 2 (4).
  • GATTINGER, H., OTT, S. C., SAXER, S. (2014). Interrater-Reliabilität und Übereinstimmung der Schweizer RAI-MDS Version 2.0. Arzt Spital Pflege, 27 (1), pp. 19-29. 10.1024/1012-5302/a000336

Chapters in Edited Books

  • LUX, W., STEINER, M., OTT, S. C. (2018). Kosten in der gynäkologischen Onkologie. In Senn, B. & Mayer, H. (Eds.), Gynäkologisch-onkologische Pflege – Bedürfnisse der Patientinnen und interprofessionelle Praxis (pp. 174-181). Hogrefe Verlag.

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • GATTINGER, H., OTT, S. C., SAXER, S. (2014). Pflegebedarfserfassungsinstrumente BESA und RAI: Vergleich der Outcomes in Minuten. Arzt Spital Pflege, 27 (1), pp. 31-40. 10.1024/1012-5302/a000337


  • SCHWANINGER, M., OTT, S. C. (2024). Coping with Global Warming: Systemic Design, Scope, and Scale. WOSC 19th Congress 2024.
  • ENGST, R., KOLLER, A., GLAUS, A., HEIN, R., MÖSSNER, U., OTT, S. C., KOBLEDER, A. (2024). Delayed chemotherapy induced nausea Occurrence and corelates in a multi center study in adult oncology patients in clinical practice. 36. Deutscher Krebskongress.
  • BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, D., GEHRIG, L., URSULA KLEIN, U., URSULA ZILTENER, U., ELEONORE BAUM, E., NEHER, A., ... KOBLEDER, A. (2023). Palliative care phases (PCP) in cancer patients receiving home care: A mixed methods study. EAPC 2023 18th World Congress.
  • BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, D., GEHRIG, L., KLEIN, U., ZILTENER, U., BAUM, E., NEHER, A., ... KOBLEDER, A. (2022). Palliative care phases (PCP) in cancer patients receiving home care: A mixed methods study.. National Research Day Palliative Care.
  • GATTINGER, H., MAURER, C., OTT, S. C., FRINGER, A. (2021). Activity of daily living support in end of life care: «AdKinPal» program for palliative care nurses. Nationaler Palliative Care Kongress 2021.
  • SCHWANINGER, M., OTT, S. C. (2020). Crises, Mudanças Globais e Resiliência Sistêmica. 15o Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas.
  • BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, D., GEHRIG, L., KLEIN, U., ARRER, E., OTT, S. C., NERTINGER, S., KOBLEDER, A. (2020). Palliative Care Phasen (PCP) bei Klientinnen und Klienten mit onkologischen Erkrankungen im Setting Spitex: Eine Mixed-Methods Studie. Nationaler Palliative Care Kongress.
  • GATTINGER, H., MAURER, C., HANTIKAINEN, V., LUX, W., OTT, S. C., PLANK, D., FRINGER, A. (2019). Activity of Daily Living Support in End of Life Care. Closing symposium on the SAMS funding program Research in Palliative Care 2014–2018.
  • BAUER-KLEBL, A., NÜESCH, C., OTT, S. C. (2019). Einflussfaktoren des objektiven und subjektiven Studienerfolgs in verschiedenen Studiengängen. Jahrestagung 2019 der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften.
  • BAUER-KLEBL, A., NÜESCH, C., OTT, S. C. (2019). Einflussfaktoren des objektiven und subjektiven Studienerfolgs in verschiedenen Studiengängen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Jahrestagung 2019.
  • KOBLEDER, A., MAYER, H., GEHRIG, L., OTT, S. C., SENN, B. (2018). Die Entwicklung eines Advances Practice Nurse (APN) Konzept in der gynäkologischen Onkologie - Die Perspektive der externen Evidenz. Abstract für: Brücken bauen - von der Evidenz zum Patientenwohl. 19. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin.