Anniversary: 20th Rapperswil Plastics Forum on Thursday, 4 September 2025
We are pleased to invite you to a special edition of the Rapperswil Plastics Forum: on Thursday, 4 September 2025, we will be celebrating 20 years of IWK! Once again, you can look forward to exciting specialist lectures, laboratory presentations and an uncomplicated exchange with experts from industry and research.
Invitation and program
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2025, 12:30 p.m.
Location: OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Campus Rapperswil-Jona.
As a first highlight, we can already announce the following experts from research and industry as speakers:
- Dr. oec. HSG Christian Buhl, CEO Geberit Group
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Bonten, Head of Institute for Plastics Technology at University of Stuttgart
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedli, Professor for Production Management, Head of ITEM-HSG and PSCM-HSG at University of St.Gallen (HSG)
The Rapperswil Plastics Forum always starts with technical presentations in German. Afterwards, you have the opportunity to exchange ideas with our employees in English in the Techpark.
Are you interested in participating in English?
Then please contact us at:
You will find the official registration form on our German website:
Registration form (in German)
Participation fees
Entire event with anniversary celebration at Rapperswil Castle: CHF 390.00
Register by 31 July 2025 and benefit from a 10% early bird discount.
Organization and contact
Helen Kälin: +41 58 257 44 37,
Regula Schallberger: +41 58 257 13 41,
IWK Institute for Materials Technology and Plastics Processing
Techpark, Eichwiesstrasse 18b
CH-8645 Rapperswil-Jona