Study Content

Are you considering a Master's degree in Data Science? Here you can find out what content offer.

The Three Specializations

Data analytics is the process of transforming raw data into information, models and usable knowledge. Under the Data Analytics specialization, you will learn how to apply statistical methods to describe and research data and you will learn how to draw final conclusions from data that is subject to random deviations. You will create data-supported models using data mining, machine learning and deep learning. You will plan and design experimental set-ups using the latest procedures for creating and evaluating usable models.

Under the Data Engineering specialization, you will deepen your knowledge of collecting, storing and processing data from a computer science perspective.

As part of data collection and storage, you will learn about data collection protocols such as those used for the Internet of things, for communicating with databases and data streams and for using scalable data storage systems for large quantities of data. Data processing includes scientific programming for data preparation, data security and distributed processing.

We also offer you an understanding of non-technical constraints, such as those relating to ethics, data protection, security and hazard prevention for data processing in companies and public institutions, and organizing data services to ensure compliance with these constraints.

Under the Data Services specialization, you will learn how to make data usable from a business and service perspective. You will gain a sound understanding of the fundamental processes and tasks and tackle questions such as how to design and operate these types of data-driven products and pipelines, how to visualize and communicate information, and how to maintain algorithms and models throughout their life cycle. We teach you how to consider issues related to ethics, law, security law and data protection law when creating and maintaining these types of data-driven services.

Tailor Your Studies to Your Interests

Your studies consist of theory and context modules in your chosen profile of Business Engineering. Your specialization makes up two thirds of your degree program. You will develop professional knowledge via project work, additional classes and the Master’s thesis. You can choose an individual area of focus to suit your interests. When selecting your project work, you can demonstrate broad skills or choose to specialize in a specific area.

Additional Classes

Module descriptions of the additional classes offered are only available in German: 

Topic focus AI/ML
Deep Reinforcement Learning (pdf)
Topic focus Applications
Recursive Learning for Engineering Applications
Physics Based Machine Learning (pdf) 
Datascience in Finance
Datascience in Cybersecurity 


(expected next fallsmester)
(expected next fallsmester)

Topic focus data management
Datenbanksysteme (pdf)
GIS Location Intelligence (pdf)
Fall- and springsemester

Project Work and Master’s Theses

Project work and the master’s thesis form the core of your master’s program. The project work is completed in conjunction with one or more industrial partners or as part of publicly funded projects. This will involve handling practical, application-oriented research topics at a high technical level. The results you achieve could be incorporated directly into products or processes offered by the participating company. 

Theory and Context Modules

You complete one third of your master's degree as theory and context modules. Theory modules with technical-scientific focus (TSM) and advanced fundamentals (FTP) provide you with long-term knowledge and train your skills in abstract thinking. You complete your timetable with context modules (CM) from the fields of management, communication and culture.


Each student receives intensive support from a student advisor. The first conversation with a student advisor is after acceptance. You work together to create a timetable that matches your interests and objectives. Your individual study agreement sets out your study objectives and the modules selected to achieve them.