Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) an der OST


You have completed your Bachelor's degree and would like to become an expert in your field? Then the Master of Science in Engineering MSE at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences is the right program for you.

Admission with a Bachelor's degree

You can be admitted to the MSE Master's program if you have a Bachelor's degree. The bachelor's degree should be related to the desired profile. You can find more detailed information in the respective profile descriptions.

Do you have a Bachelor's degree in another field? In exceptional cases, an inclusion ‘sur dossier’ is possible. Please contact Julia Niepel from the Master Office at +41 (0)55 222 44 07 or

Required ECTS grades

For admission, your performance of the entire Bachelor's program must correspond to an ECTS grade A or B. If you have graduated with a grade C, you can apply for admission «sur dossier». The head of profile and the designated advisor will review your application and, if necessary, invite you to an admissions interview.

Did you have another previous education or did you graduate abroad? We would be happy to advise you and clarify the requirements for admission with you.

get in contact

The language of instruction in the technical profiles of the master's program is English. The teaching materials are written in English. For these reasons, we require English language skills at level C1. Test your knowledge level with the two tests:

The language of instruction in the «Spatial Development and Landscape Architecture» and «Civil Engineering» profiles is German. The documents are also written in German. For these reasons, we require German language skills at level C1.

Some knowledge of German is advised since the communication of the student administration takes place mainly in German.