[Translate to English:] Studierende zu Besuch in der Wasserbibliothek: Exkursionen gehören in der Blockwoche ebenfalls zum Programm.

Research project

Global South Cooperation in the OST study programme

We integrate GSC in the study programme through different formats. Current opportunities include project work and an interdisciplinary one-week course. External partners are invited to provide their challenges to the students to develop applied and practice relevant solutions.

Project works

Students get the opportunity to implement their projects such as semester projects, bachelor or master thesis in the context of GSC together with external partners. The supervisors from OST establish the partnerships and framework for the project and supervise the student. The aim is to develop solution-oriented approaches with real impact in practice. By applying their knowledge in different (challenging) situations, students gain

Different scenarios include:

  • Lab or desk study in Switzerland with interaction with partner in GSC during the semester
  • Support for implementation of the solution onsite during semester break
  • Full semester project combining onsite solution development and implementation.


Interdisciplinary one-week cours and project work on sustainable development in the Global South 

This annual block course is addressed at all OST students of all degree programs. The course focuses on how to engage in GSC based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the associated challenges around. Specific practice examples for basic services provisions are used to develop in mixed teams interdisciplinary solutions around water, wastewater, solar (energy), construction, health, education. Practice partners from GSC are invited to present their challenges at the beginning of the week.

Students prepare and present their solutions during the week to an expert panel for 2 ETCS. Additionally, they have the opportunity to further work on their projects in close collaboration with practice partners for additional 2 ETCS.

In addition a half-day excursion and various presentations are organized by OST lecturers and professors as well as external experts. The external guest speakers are actors with many years of experience in the context of the Global South.

The aim of this course is to provide students with a possible field of activity for their future careers. They will also be shown what concrete contribution they can make to a fairer and more sustainable world. At the same time, they are specifically prepared for assignments abroad with complex problems.

Students from the Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Social Work, Physiotherapy and Nursing degree programs are usually involved.

The next block week Know-how and technologies for sustainable development in the global south will take place in the week of September 9th to September 14th, 2025. The module is open to all OST students. Registration takes place between March 18th and April 1st, 2025 on Adunis. External partners are welcome to contact Dorothee Spuhler via email. 


Duration: Since 2024 - ongoing

[Translate to English:] Studierende präsentieren ihre Arbeit vor den OST-Dozierenden und externen Expertinnen und Experten.


OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
