SPF Competencies Methods
System Optimization
Energy system optimization involves strategic planning and management of the available energy resources to efficiently meet the energy demands while minimizing the costs, emissions, and/or network peaks. At SPF we have developed a framework optihood (https://optihood.readthedocs.io) for both system size optimization during planning/expansion of districts and smart control of existing energy systems. Optihood is a versatile solution that can be applied to a range of energy sectors (electricity, heat and fuel) and includes sector coupling. It also offers multi-objective optimization capabilities. Furthermore, our ongoing active development of optihood allows us to add specific extensions and provide solutions tailored to the project needs.
We answer questions such as:
- How could we expand an existing district heating (DH) network?
- Could one integrate more customers in an existing DH?
- What would be the benefits of installing a storage?
- What would be the optimum operation strategies for example to charge/discharge storages or to run a heating system?
- What would a net-zero energy system of a country (CH) look like given certain constraints?
Example projects are:
- SolHOOD, in which we develop smart planning methods and control strategies for solar neighborhoods.
- OptimEase, investigates energetic optimization of groups of buildings (taking advantage of the benefits that can be gained from their synergies) as opposed to focusing on the optimal solutions for individual buildings.
- DecenTGrids focuses on the use of decentral storages for energy management in thermal grids.
We also work on consultancy projects with industry partners.