Projects Advanced Materials and Processes
Research project
CHEMCARB: Direct conversion of CO2 into C
In order to balance the global climate, affordable technologies for converting CO2 into stable and storable solids that enable reliable carbon storage (CCS - carbon capture storage) are of interest. In this project, an unconventional CCS technology is being researched that allows direct conversion of CO2 to carbon even at…
Research project
"RESTART"fuel cells
Together we are stronger! Together with the ICP (ZHAW), UMTEC (OST) is developing innovative materials and cell technologies in the field of high-temperature fuel cells for electricity and heat-producing CHP systems for family homes and commercial applications.
Research project
PlaTec - Electrical methods for exhaust gas treatment
Scientific expertise meets industrial practice. As part of a research project, oxytec AG has entered into a strategic partnership with UMTEC. The ultimate goal is to develop more efficient and sustainable all-electric exhaust air solutions and establish them on the market.
Research project
PlasmaTar II - exhaust air solution for the asphalt industry
Getting around - on foot, by bike or by car - our mobility is closely linked to modern infrastructure, e.g. paths and roads. At UMTEC, in collaboration with our industrial partner, we are developing a new process to make asphalt production sites sustainable and future-proof in terms of exhaust air purification.
Research project
NTPlasma - Plasma treatment of industrial waste gases as a sustainable alternative to thermal post-combustion
Together with the company oxytec AG, UMTEC is developing a new type of plasma technology for the sustainable and cost-efficient treatment of polluted industrial exhaust air. The project is funded by the Federal Office for the Environment's environmental technology programme.
Research project
BioMeth - Innovative process for direct biogas upgrading to biomethanol
At UMTEC, our team is focussing on the development of a novel approach to upgrading biogas to biomethanol without the use of electrolysers or H2 infrastructure. With the novel biometh process, it is possible to convert raw biogas into renewable biomethanol at low temperatures and pressures, especially without any H2 input.