Claudia Brönimann, MSc in B.A.

ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingLeiterin Kompetenzzentrum Wissenstransfer & Innovation

+41 58 257 17

Claudia Brönimann is a lecturer and head of the Competence Center Knowledge Transfer at the Departement of Strategy and Marketing. Her focus is on the practice-oriented education of students and the associated knowledge transfer between university, students and companies. She teaches and coaches with a focus on project management, strategic business analysis and empirical market research. Previously, she held various consulting and project management positions. She holds a master's degree in business administration with a specialization in strategic management.

Area of Expertise

  • Knowledge Transfer and Consulting
  • Project Management Methods
  • Empirical Research Methods


  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Project Management
  • Certified Project Management Associate IPMA Level D
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in University Didactics
  • Master of Science in Business Administration with specialization in Strategic Management, HWZ Zurich

Professional Experience

  • Lecturer and Head at the Competence Center Knowledge Transfer and Consulting
  • Project Manager and Consultant in Private Banking Switzerland, Credit Suisse Zurich
  • Project Support Human Resources Department, Cantonal Hospital St.Gallen

Teaching Experience

  • Project Management Methods (Undergraduate level)
  • Coach for national and international Consulting Projects (Undergraduate level)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • LIPPE, S., BRÖNIMANN, C., BÄRTSCH, F., MADER, C. (2024). Enabling BPM Competencies Through Real-Life Student Consulting Projects.. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, pp. 344-353. Krakow.
  • LIPPE, S., BÄRTSCH, F., BRÖNIMANN, C., MADER, C. (2024). Enabling BPM competencies through real-life student consulting projects. 22nd Business Process Management Conference 2024.
  • BECHTER, M., BRÖNIMANN, C., IVANCIC, R., MÜLLER, P. (2019). Angewandte Wissenschaften an der Fachhochschule St.Gallen. Praxisprojekte als Bindeglied zwischen akademischer, praxisorientierter Ausbildung und wirtschaftlichem Nutzen. Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs, 38, pp. 131-140.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • LIPPE, S., BÄRTSCH, F., MADER, C., BRÖNIMANN, C. (2024). Enabling BPM Competencies Through Real-Life Student Consulting Projects. In Di Ciccio, C., et al. (Eds.), Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation, Central and Eastern European, Educators and Industry Forum (pp. 344-353). Cham: Springer CCIS.
  • BRÖNIMANN, C., IVANCIC, R., BECHTER, M. (2021). Einfachheit in didaktischer Form - Erkenntnis durch komplexe Herausforderungen - Wissenstransfer in studentischen Beratungsprojekten. In Julia Schütz, Gerald Moll (Eds.), Wissenstransfer - Komplexitätsreduktion-Design (pp. 131-149). wbv Media.

Teaching-Related Publications

  • BRÖNIMANN, C., IVANCIC, R., BECHTER, M. (2022). Projektmanagement bei der Energieagentur St.Gallen. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 361. 10.25938/oepms.361

Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions

  • MADER, C., SOM, C., LIPPE, S., BRÖNIMANN, C. (2024). Die Gläserne Fabrik – transparente Wissensproduktion im TA-Prozess. Methoden für die Technikfolgenabschätzung - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen bewährter Praxis und neuen Möglichkeiten. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • MADER, C., BRÖNIMANN, C., LIPPE, S., BÄRTSCH, F. (2023). Real-Life Student Consulting Projects @OST: transdisciplinary Capacity Building. COPERNICUS Alliance & oikos International, Higher Education Summit - Student Takeover.
  • MADER, C., BRÖNIMANN, C., LIPPE, S. (2023). Transdisciplinary Capacity Building @ OST. Teaching and Learning for Change: Sustainability in Higher Education.
  • BRÖNIMANN, C., IVANCIC, R., BECHTER, M. (2021). Diversity & Cultural Fit - Erfolgsfaktoren des Wissenstransfers durch internationale studentische Praxisprojekte. Wissens- und Technologietransfer der Fachhochschulen - Neue Wege auf der Basis bewährter Konzepte.