Prof. Dr. Stefan Stöckler

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementProfessor für Wirtschaftsinformatik

+41 58 257 17

Stefan Stöckler is Professor of Business Informatics at the Institute for Information and Process Management IPM. He previously worked for many years in public administrations and retail and production companies in the management of internal IT and was responsible, among other things, for the implementation and development of ERP systems.
In the university environment, his focus is on process, requirements and IT management in addition to this topic. He teaches both in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes for business informatics and in the continuing education level as well as at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences in the Mechatronics degree programme.
At the OST, Stefan Stöckler is also the director of studies in continuing education for the MAS Business Information Systems.

Area of Expertise

Requirements management

Model-based requirements engineering (UML)
Requirements Management
Evaluation and implementation of business software (standard software, ERP, CRM, DMS, ...)

Business processes

Business Process Engineering, Business Process Management, Digitalisation of Business Processes, Digital Transformation, Digital Twin
Business process optimisation
Process modelling
process mining
Automation, Robotic Process Automation, Low Code Applications
Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, Data Analytics

IT management

IT processes, IT management
Horizontal and vertical integration of IT systems
Enterprise architecture management
Application architecture management


1989 - 1994 Doctoral studies at TU Wien (degree Dr. techn.)
1984 - 1989 TU Wien: Computer Science (degree Dipl.-Ing.)
1979 - 1984 Höhere Technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Elektrotechnik, Bregenz

Professional Experience

Since 1997 Lecturer at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences in the "Mechatronics" course of study
2001 - 2008 Head of SAP Development and Head of SAP Certified Competence Center at SFS services AG
2000 - 2001 Chief Developer at co-merce
1998 - 2000 Member of the general assembly and advisory board of "Vorarlberger Gemeindeinformatik GmbH
1998 - 2000 Head of "Information Technology and Organisation" at the Office of the City of Bregenz
1994 - 1998 Head of "System and User Software" at the Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government, IT-Department
1989 - 1994 University assistant at TU Wien of Technology at the Institute for Automation, Department for Automation Systems

Teaching Experience

At the OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule:

Integrated Business Software (BSc WInf)
Requirements Management (MSc Winf)
Business Process Management (Continuing Education)
Requirements Management (Continuing Education)
Director of Studies for Master of Advanced Studies in Business Process Engineering (until 2020)
Director of Studies for Master of Advanced Studies in Business Information Management

At the FH Vorarlberg, Dornbirn:

Fundamentals of Computer Science (BSc Mechatronics)
Computer Applications (until 2021 BSc Mechatronics)
Networks and Data Transmission (MSc Mechatronics)


ArealPlus - Expert system for municipalities for the assessment of sustainable internal densification
Learning factory SmartFactory@OST - ITBO funded project (member of the project management)
Low Code Lab
Various evaluations and implementations of business software
Process analyses and optimisations
Evaluation of existing business software solutions
Concepts and studies for the development of an application landscape


SAP University Alliance DACH Academic Board (since 2020)
ACM (since 1997)
IEEE (Computer Society) (since 1995)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • STÖCKLER, S., BEKIRI, V., SCHERUHN, H.-J., BAYRAMLI, E., BRETSCHNEIDER, T. (2024). ESG meets EOG – Environment Social Governance strukturieren mit dem Enterprise Online Guide (EOG). In Ondrusch Nicole, Kilian Dietmar, Mathis Uta (Eds.), Proceeding of SAP Academic Conference 2024 TU Wien (pp. 185-195). 10.14459/2024md1752375
  • STÖCKLER, S., BEKIRI, V., ZIEGLER, M. (2023). Vom belegorientierten zum prozessgetriebenen ERP – Workflow neu gedacht. Proceedings of the SAP Academic Community Conference 2023 DACH. doi:10.14459/2023md1719876
  • STÖCKLER, S., HÄNGGI, R., BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, R., BAUMGARTEN, C. (2021). Industrie 4.0 begreifbar machen – Die SmartFactory@OST. In Lennart Brand, Karin Gräslund, Dietmar Kilian, Helmut Krcmar, Klaus Turowski, Holger Wittges (Eds.), Proceedings of the SAP Academic Community Conference 2021 DACH (pp. 208-224).

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • STÖCKLER, S., BEKIRI, V. (2024). Von Daten zu Taten – Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement mit Prozessen, IoT und KI. topsoft Fachmagazin, 42-6 (Juni 2024).
  • GROHER, W., STÖCKLER, S. (2022). Die digitale Transformation gestalten: So ist Process Mining effektiv. Netzwoche: Internet und E-Business in der Schweiz, 2022 (11), pp. 60-61.
  • BAUMGARTEN, C., BRENNER, A., ENGELKE, D., STÖCKLER, S., THIEL, C., THOMA, A., ZIMMERMANN, H.-D. (2022). Perspektiven auf das Konzept der digitalgestützten Zusammenarbeit. Springer Gabler, pp. 143-177. Wiesbaden.
  • STÖCKLER, S. (2020, September). IT-Management bedeutet visionäres Denken. Netzwoche: Internet und E-Business in der Schweiz, 2020 (12).
  • STÖCKLER, S. (2017). KMU: Mit optimierten Prozessen zum Erfolg. IT Business, 2017 (6).
  • STÖCKLER, S. (2015). KMU und die digitale Transformation. IT Business, 2015 (2).
  • STÖCKLER, S. (2014). Erfolgreich und flexibel dank Prozess- und Informationsmanagement. IT Business, 2014 (2).

Teaching related publications

  • STÖCKLER, S., BAER-BALDAUF, P. (2023). Fallstudie Heiss und Kalt AG: Anforderungen an eine Business Software. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 380.


  • STÖCKLER, S. (2024). Swisscom Digital Tag. Swisscom AG.
  • STÖCKLER, S. (2023). SmartFactory@OST - Eine studiengangsübergreifende Lernumgebung. SAP University Alliance DACH.
  • STÖCKLER, S. (2015). ERP-Systeme in KMU profitabel einsetzen. IT Puls. IT Business.