Prof. Dr. Stefan Nertinger

ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingKompetenzzentrum Strategisches Management

+41 58 257 14

Stefan Nertinger is Professor of Strategic Management at the Institute for Strategy and Marketing. I know both the scientific lighthouse and the practical engine room. Combining both in analysis and strategy development is particularly important to me. Teaching students a sound analytical and strategic approach, (co)creating with customers profounded entrepreneurial solutions within consulting projects, and developing new innovative solutions for the markets of the future in applied research projects in the spirit of "nothing is more practical than a good theory" are my hobbyhorses. My research projects focus on entrepreneurial opportunities that arise from AI and Data Science as the steam engine of the 21st century and their implementation in strategy, service and product.

Area of Expertise

  • Strategy development and strategy development process: Professional support and profounded moderation of the strategy process are essential determinants for its effectiveness. The more uncertain the environment, the more relevant a clear strategy that looks beyond existing industry boundaries and focuses on (future) customer needs.
  • AI / AI as a driver of strategy: What impact do data-driven technologies have on the business model and strategic positioning. Technologies are the key drivers of changes in competition and customer behavior. They enable new business models, services, and ecosystems while erasing existing ones. Analysis and strategic vision are crucial - also together in the (OST) network with colleagues from the machine (learning) room: because technology and strategy are the dream team for tomorrow's success.
  • Sustainability and sustainability strategy: The ability to legitimate in the area of sustainability is becoming essential and is already the ticket to customers, tenders and social acceptance in many places. I have been accompanying the topic since 2007 and help companies to analyze the necessity (scope, flight level), to develop the sustainability strategy and to implement it as a management system. The goals are always to seize strategic opportunities and systematically reduce risks. -Radically New - Inputs and Advisory for Innovative Strategies - Learning from other industries combined with strategic analysis of trends: What is commonplace in AI and Data Science offers enormous potential for strategy development: strategic patterns (recognition and transfer) e.g. Why omnichannel retail strategies are (becoming) strategically relevant for fitness studios? What role ethnic mobile pricing (will) play for a bakery? Why the plus in Disney+ is (becoming) strategically relevant for continuing education programs at universities?
  • Exit strategies for established companies (succession planning) as workshops and consulting mandates: beyond finances and law, strategic questions arise between today and the point of company succession. A clear strategy in which form and condition in dependence of the receiver the enterprise is to be handed over is central. Here methods from start-up evaluation and strategy development are applied.
  • Ad-interim management in the areas of business development, strategy, strategy projects
  • C-Level Sparring in the areas of strategy and business development


2004-2009 Studies of Business Administration (University of Augsburg (GER), Athens University of Economics and Business (GRE))
2014 PhD. (summa cum laude) Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (GER)

Professional Experience

9+: (Senior) Consultant , Freelancer: Managementconsulting Management ad-interim
9+: Research fellow, senior Lecturer

Teaching Experience

BWL 1 - Industriale Engineering (Wirtschaftsingenieur)
Sustainable Management - Master
Strategic Management
Strategy and Management CAS BWL, CAS Corporate Banking (Executive Education)
Transfer projects 1-3, international transfer projects (JCSP, CPIM)


applied research projects (selection):
Pop Up City - digital intelligence for urban commerce (Innossuisse), 2019-2021:
Partners: ICE-OST, City of Zurich, City of St.Gallen, Pop Up Shops AG.
(Head of Project)

Swiss Bike Experience (Innosuisse), 2020-present:,
Partners: IDEE-OST, Komenda, Tour de Suisse
(Lead of IFU-ISM former IFU-OST)

Know the flow! Unique Footfall Information as USP in Payment and PropTech (Innosuisse), since 2022:
Data Science project in the field of location intelligence and digital value-added services for retailers.
Partner: ICE-OST, Worldline Payment Switzerland, Spacewise.
(Lead of IFU-ISM former IFU-OST)

Push2Heat - Pushing forward the market potential of Heat (Horizon 2020), since 2023
WP5- Business Models: evaluating business model approaches for high-temperature heat pumps
Partners and project outline:
(Lead of ISM-OST)

Service projects (selection, each: Head of project):
- Strategy development for a medium-sized car dealership / garagist in Eastern Switzerland.
- Strategy support and mentoring for a museum in eastern Switzerland
- Strategy impulse and -mentoring for the board of directors of a regional bank in eastern Switzerland
- Strategy presentations for various organizations (Swiss Post, Gewerbeverband St.Gallen, etc.)
- Strategy presentations with a focus on retail for various organizations (cities/communities, various SMEs, political associations)


11-2011: Science Award 2011 of the Gregor-Louisoder Environmental Foundation, awarded on 30.11. 2011 in Munich (, endowed with 5000 Euro)
01-2015: Awarded the Luther Certificate of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg to honor the best doctorates of a year.
2022: Coach Young Leader Award "Managementkonzeption", team "Lichtensteiger Bäckerei"

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • SIDHARTH PARANJAPEA, P., ARPAGAUS, C., NERTINGER, S., TIETZ, R., BERTSCH, STEFAN S., B. (2024). Business Models for HTHP. HTHP Symposium, Copenhagen, 23-24 January.
  • ARPAGAUS, CORDIN, A., SIDHARTH PARANJAPEA, P., NERTINGER, S., TIETZ, R., BERTSCH, STEFAN S., B. (2023). Review of Business Models for Industrial Heat Pumps. Proceedings of ECOS 2023 - The 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 25-30 June, 2023, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
  • NERTINGER, S., FRICK, K., EL-ASHKER, C. (2022). How To Predict A Pop-Up Store – Developing A Data Based Framework For Digitizing The Location Choice Process And Prototyping At The Case Of St. Gallen (Ch). Journal of Applied Business Research, 38 (2), pp. 29-42.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2020). Pop-up retail and its pattern - developing a data based framework for digitizing the process according to the 3p impetus. 5th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR 2020) (pp. tbd).
  • NERTINGER, S. (2015). Bridging the GAP: Management und Environmental Accounting und Integriertes Reporting - Carbon and Material Flow Cost Accounting als Best Practice? CARF - Controlling.Accounting. Reporting. Finanzen.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2015). Carbon and Material Flow Cost Accounting - perspectives of an integration of Carbon Footprint and MFCA. World Business Institute, Proceedings of Eurasia Business Research Conference Istanbul, Melbourne, Australia..

Books and Research Monographs

  • KRAFT, M., IVANCIC, R., NERTINGER, S. (2024). Greenwashing - Wirkungsvolle Ansätze zur Identifikation und Vermeidung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien . 10.1007/978-3-658-44744-1
  • NERTINGER, S. (2015). Carbon and Material Flow Cost Accounting. Springer Fachmedien , Wiesbaden, Germany.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • BRINKEL, S., CASTRELLON-GUTIERREZ, B., LIERMANN, N., NERTINGER, S. (2016). Nachhaltiger Erfolg – oder Erfolg für Nachhaltigkeit?. In Antes,R.; Müller,M.; Siebenhüner,B. (Eds.), Umweltmanagement im Nachhaltigkeits- und Verhaltenskontext (pp. 99-126). Marburg: Metropolis.

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • NERTINGER, S. (2019). Pop Up Retail - der vierte Standort. StoreMag.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2017). Pop Up Stores als Internationalisierungsstrategie. KMU Magazin, 20 (10), pp. 94-99.


  • NERTINGER, S. (2024). Carbon Management. MyBluePlanet (NGO).
  • NERTINGER, S. (2023). Unternehmensspiegel 2023 SG - Nachhaltigkeit als Wettbewerbsvorteil. OST FH.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2023). Unternehmensspiegel 2023- Nachhaltigkeit als Wettbewerbsvorteil?. OST FH.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2023). Schweizer Velo - Strategische Herausforderungen im Handel. Infotech 2023 - Velosuisse.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2022). How to creat a velolong Customer Experience? Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt Schweizer Velo. Retail Forum Switzerland / Swiss Council of Shopping Destinations.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2020). Face2Face: Where to Be?. NZZ X-Days, Interlaken; NZZ Mediengroup; Swiss Economic Forum.
  • NERTINGER, S. (2019). Pop Up Retail, gekommen um zu bleiben?. BernExpo Group, Bern (20.08.2019).
  • NERTINGER, S. (2019). Stationärer Handel in der Ambulanz - Von Black Fridays und Pink Ladies. Gewerbeverband St.Gallen (15.03.2019).
  • NERTINGER, S. (2018). Pop Up Retail - der vierte Standort?. Key Note, Retail Forum Switzerland, Zürich (07.11.2018).
  • NERTINGER, S. (2015). Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und THG-Bilanzierung eines Biomasse-HKW am Beispiel der Prolignis GmbH. RENEXPO, Augsburg (02.10.2015).
  • NERTINGER, S. (2015). Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement und Integriertes Reporting. RENEXPO, Augsburg (02.10.2015).
  • NERTINGER, S. (2015). Carbon Communications am Beispiel eines Biomasse-Heizkraftwerkes. Qualitäten der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation, Hochschule der populären Künste, Berlin (30.01.2015).

Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions

  • BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, D., GEHRIG, L., URSULA KLEIN, U., URSULA ZILTENER, U., ELEONORE BAUM, E., NEHER, A., ... KOBLEDER, A. (2023). Palliative care phases (PCP) in cancer patients receiving home care: A mixed methods study. EAPC 2023 18th World Congress.
  • BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, D., GEHRIG, L., KLEIN, U., ZILTENER, U., BAUM, E., NEHER, A., ... KOBLEDER, A. (2022). Palliative care phases (PCP) in cancer patients receiving home care: A mixed methods study.. National Research Day Palliative Care.
  • BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, D., GEHRIG, L., KLEIN, U., ARRER, E., OTT, S. C., NERTINGER, S., KOBLEDER, A. (2020). Palliative Care Phasen (PCP) bei Klientinnen und Klienten mit onkologischen Erkrankungen im Setting Spitex: Eine Mixed-Methods Studie. Nationaler Palliative Care Kongress.
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