Georg Rupf, M.A. HSG Accounting & Finance

IFL Institut für Finance und LawKompetenzzentrum Accounting und Corporate Finance
+41 58 257 13
George Rupf is a lecturer in banking and finance at the Department for Finance and Law. His primary focus in areas related to financing and financial leadership for SMEs as well as the integration of sustainability in those topics. He holds a Master's degreee fom the University of St.Gallen (HSG) in Accounting & Finance and is a certified fiduciary. Besides his work at the OST he is partner and CEO of a fiduciary company.
Area of Expertise
- financial accounting
- management accounting
- corporate finance (i.a. financing, valuation, working capital management
- sustainable finance
- SME succession / restructuring
- taxes
- Certified Fiduciary Adv. Fed. Dipl. of Higher Education
- M.A. HSG Accounting & Finance
- B.Sc. Business Administration
- Professional Maturity of Commercial Type
Professional Experience
- since 2014 lecturer and projectmanager at the Department for Finance and Law
- since 2014 partner and CEO of a fiduciary company
- before several years of experience as client advisor (i.a. UBS, SGKB)
Teaching Experience
- lecturer in financial and management accounting (Undergraduate level)
- lecturer in Swiss Banking (Undergraduate level)
- course director Venture & Growth Financing (Graduate level)
- course director CAS Corporate Banking and CAS Advanced Corporate Banking
- co-director MAS in Banking & Finance
- consulting services for SMEs and financial service providers
- participation in research projects for SMEs
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- LÖHRER, A., RUPF, G. (2017). Zukunftsorientierte Finanzinformationen als Führungs- und Entscheidungsgrundlage. EXPERT FOCUS, 9 (2017), pp. 598-603.
Chapters in Edited Books
- GEHRIG, M., RUPF, G., BECHTIGER, P. (2021). Rückstellungen in der Corona-Krise – Einfluss auf handelsrechtliche und steuerrechtliche Rückstellungen. In Eberle, R., Oesch, D., Pfaff, D. (Eds.), Jahrbuch Finanz- und Rechnungswesen 2021 (pp. 31-47). Zürich: WEKA Business Media AG.
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- GEHRIG, M., RUPF, G., BECHTIGER, P. (2021). Rückstellungen in der Corona-Krise. WEKA Business Media AG, Finanz- und Rechnungswesen Newsletter (2), pp. 1-4. Zürich.
- RUPF, G. (2019, March). Vielseitiger, lebendiger Bankenplatz Ostschweiz. LEADER Das Unternehmermagazin, pp. 56-59. St. Gallen.
- SCHNAUSS, M., RUPF, G. (2015). Kredite mit gutem Gewissen. Die Bank (9), pp. 30-33.
- RUPF, G. (2016). Der Bankkredit - bald ein Relikt vergangener Tage. FHS St. Gallen.