Research project
FreiZeit (Leisure / Free Time)
Periods between encounters and without care: methodological plural explorations of the experience of persons with dementia
Persons with dementia spend a large part of their day without care and encounter, and usually also without activity. However, there has been no scientific analysis of how people with dementia experience these periods. However, such knowledge would be of great importance for health professionals and relatives in order to find an appropriate way of dealing with care- and encounter-free time and, if necessary, to be able to develop and provide offers.
Starting from the fundamental question of what actually happens and goes on during such times, the aim of this research project is to shed more light on, investigate and understand these periods. To do this, we conduct observations over a longer period of time in both home and institutional care. The observations are supplemented by interviews with the affected persons themselves, relatives and carers, and video recordings. In addition, cognitive-psychological data will be collected.
> Website of the binational research project Freizeit
Project Lead
Prof. Dr. Sabina Misoch - OST, IAF
Prof. Dr. Thomas Beer - OST, IPW
Prof. Dr. Helma Bleses - Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Peter König - Furtwangen University
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kliegel - University of Geneva
Duration: 01.03.2022 - 28.02.2025
- OST, IPW Institute of Applied Nursing Science
- Hochschule Fulda, Health Sciences
- Hochschule Furtwangen, Institut Mensch, Technik und Teilhabe (IMTT)
- Universität Genf, Geneva Aging Research Center (CIGEV)
Project Lead and Project Team IAF
Dr. sc. nat. Sarah Speck
IAF Institut für AltersforschungWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin