Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Lisa Marie Giermindl

IOL Institut für Organisation und LeadershipProfessorin für Leadership & HR
+41 58 257 14
Lisa Marie is a Professor for Leadership and HR Management. Her research focuses on people analytics, datafication and AI as well the positive and dark side of digitalization in workplace settings and the future of work. She teaches classes leadership, innovative HR management, organizational behaviour and change management. Previously, she worked in different fields of HR Management for multinational companies and held multiple leadership roles in Talent Acquisition. She holds a Ph.D. in digital transformation from the University of Passau and explored the impact of social media and digital technologies on organisational collaboration and performance.
Area of Expertise
- Transformation of work and future skills
- People Analytics, AI and datafication
- Implications of digital technologies and social media
- Leadership and the future of work & HR
-Ph.D. in Digital Transformation and Leadership, University of Passau, Germany
- Triple Diploma Degree in International Business and Cultural Studies, Universities of Passau, Limerick (Ireland) and Granada (Spain)
- Systemic Business Trainer, University of Augsburg, Germany
Professional Experience
-Professor for Leadership and HR, Competence Center Leadership and HR
- Project Lead qualitative and/or quantitative research projects with a focus on analytics, future skills, HR and career management
- Team Lead Talent Acquisition and Executive Search
Teaching Experience
- Leadership (Undergraduate Level)
- HR Management and Development (Undergraduate Level)
- Organizational Behaviour (Undergraduate Level)
- Human Resoures & Change Management in Crises (Graduate Level)
- Innovative HR Management (Executive MBA)
- Advisor for student projects, master and bachelor thesis -Teaching classes at diverse universities (Munich, Budapest, Passau, etc)
-Research project "Predictive HR Analytics" (Innosuisse funded), which aims to promote predictive people Analytics in Swiss companies and to contribute to a sustainable development of analytics competencies in HR departments, Project partners: HR-Campus, Helvetia, La Prairie, Manor, Siemens
-Research project "Women on boards of directors and executive committees of medium-sized companies: Solutions for sustainable advancement" (EBG funded)
-Research project "Late Careers: Career 50+" (Innosuisse funded)Project partners: Allianz Suisse, Bâloise, CSS, KSBL, KSSG and University of Applied Science North West Switzerland
-Research project "Future Workforce Ecosystem", Project partners: Stadler, Stutz, Thurgauer Kantonalbank, NRP Ingenieure, CubeServe, Ellenbroek, Hugentobler Elektro & Telematik, Smarter Thurgau,;
-Research project "Mindfulness in Care Institutions", Project partners: Mindfulness Swiss Association
Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Academy of Management (AOM)
Editorials and Reviewing
Reviewer for the following journals:
- European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)
- Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS)
Reviewer for the following academic conferences
- International Conference on Informations Systems (ICIS)
- European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
- Academy of Management (AOM)
- European Academy of Management (EURAM)
- European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
Ph.D. summa cum laude (1.0)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- GIERMINDL, L. M., KILP, A.-K. (2024). Investigating potentials and critical challenges for Virtual Reality for HR and collaborative work. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), CNOW Workshop.
- SEITZ, J., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2024). Embracing Digital Transformation: Overcoming Workplace Challenges. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), CNOW Workshop.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., FIEDLER, M., ANNE-SOPHIE MAYER, A.-S. (2023). Advancing digital collaboration: Barriers to Enterprise Social Media adoption and how to overcome them. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- IVANCIC, R., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2023). Corporate Digital Responsibility – opportunities and obstacles for businesses and information systems research. Changing nature of work: reshaping human endeavours with digital technologies.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., CHRIST, O., LEICHT-DEOBALD, U., REDZEPI, A. (2021). The dark sides of people analytics: reviewing the perils for organisations and employees. European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), 31 (3), pp. 410-435. 10.1080/0960085X.2021.1927213
- GIERMINDL, L. M., OLBERT-BOCK, S., BEGANOVIC, N., ZÖLCH, M., GRAF, A., DORNEMANN, S. (2020). Socially competent but a technical dummy? Analysing stereotypes about older employees in the face of digitalisation. 36th EGOS Colloquium, Sub theme 62.. European Group for Organizational Studies.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., OLBERT-BOCK, S., BEGANOVIC, N., GRAF, A., ZÖLCH, M., DORNEMANN, S. (2020). Investigating stereotypes about older employees and their perception of discrimination in the face of digitalisation. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), "THE BUSINESS OF NOW: the future starts here", Dublin, Ireland (10-12 June 2020)..
- GIERMINDL, L. M., REDZEPI, A., CHRIST, O., OLBERT-BOCK, S. (2019). Creating Value with Predictive HR Analytics. International Conference on Information Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., OLBERT-BOCK, S. (2019). Looking at the dark side of Enterprise Social Media. In Association of Information Systems (Ed.), European Conference on Information Systems. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems .
- OLBERT-BOCK, S., REDZEPI, A., GIERMINDL, L. M., CLOOTS, A. M. (2019). Sustainable Leadership im Spannungsfeld zwischen Nutzung und Erhaltung von Ressourcen. 5th CR3+ Conference. Open Education Platform for Management Schools. 10.25938/oepms.90
- BISCHOF, N., OLBERT-BOCK, S., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2019). Slow and steady wins the race? – Organizational Career Advancement for Women 45+. 35th EGOS Colloquium, July 4–6, 2019 Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., FIEDLER, M. (2018). Do Enterprise Social Networks really Enhance our Performance? Exploring the Relationship between Usage Practices and Individual Task Performance. In Association of Information Systems (Ed.), International Conference on Information Systems (pp. 1-17). Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., FIEDLER, M. (2018). How Do They Differ? Analyzing the Motivations of Posters and Lurkers for Participation in Enterprise Social Networks. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), pp. 89-120.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., FIEDLER, M. (2018). Improving Digital Collaboration: Understanding the challenges of Enterprise Social Networks and employees' suggestions for improvement. In European Academy of Management (Ed.). European Academy of Management Proceedings.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., FIEDLER, M. (2017). Why do you NOT use the Enterprise Social Network? Analyzing Non-Users' reasons through the lens of Affordances. In Association of Information Systems (Ed.), International Conference on Information Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., FIEDLER, M. (2017). Do Enterprise Social Networks increase productivity or lead to information overload? In Association of Information Systems (Ed.), Americas Conference on Information Systems. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- GIERMINDL, L. M., STRICH, F., FIEDLER, M. (2017). Posters versus Lurkers-Analyzing the Motivations for Participation in Enterprise Social Networks. Academy of Management. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Books and Research Monographs
- GIERMINDL, L. M. (2019). Lost in Digital Transformation? The role of Enterprise Social Networks in facilitating digital collaboration., Passau, Germany.
Teaching-Related Publications
- BISCHOF, N., DREHER , D., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2024). Geführte Selbstorganisation – Leadership Aspekt. Open Education Platform for Management Schools. doi: 10.25938/oepms.399
- GIERMINDL, L. M., HARDER FISCHER, L., GRITT, E. (2023). The 12th CNOW Workshop : Exploring critical challenges for the changing nature of work.. European Conference on Information Systems.
- GIERMINDL, L. M. (2021). ALGORITHMIC BIAS Deepen your Understanding of the Algorithms Behind Advanced People Analytics Practices and Avoid Unintentional Bias. People Analytics Summit.
- GIERMINDL, L. M. (2020). Predictive HR Analytics. EPFL Forum FORWARD - the innovation forum for SMEs.
- CHRIST, O., REDZEPI, A., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2019). HR Analytics. 2. St.Galler New Work Forum Digital Human Work - eine Utopie.
Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions
- GIERMINDL, L. M., KILP, A.-K. (2024). Der Einsatz von VR zur Stressreduktion & mentalen Entspannung. Resilient Minds, Resilient Teams: Wie können Mitarbeitende im Gesundheitswesen in schwierigen Zeiten psychisch gesund bleiben? (Mai Anlass der Ostschweizer Fachhochschule).
- GIERMINDL, L. M., OLBERT-BOCK, S., DE BORTOLI, F. (2023). Digitalization and Sustainable Leadership – Exploring risks and measures related to people and cooperation in SMEs. European Conference on Information Systems / SIG CNoW Workshop "Exploring critical challenges for the changing nature of work".
- IVANCIC, R., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2023). Corporate Digital Responsibility. CNoW 2023: Exploring critical challenges for the changing nature of work,.