Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Groher

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementStudiengangsleiter MAS Business Process Engineering, Dozent für Wirtschaftsinformatik
+41 58 257 12 35wolfgang.groher@ost.ch
Wolfgang Groher is a lecturer in business informatics at the Institute for Information and Process Management. His focus lies on the digitalization and optimization of business processes. He has many years of experience in management and project management functions (purchasing IT / logistics) in industry.
Area of Expertise
Digitalization of business processes, digital transformation, Digital Twin.
Digital Process Engineering, Process Mining, Robotic Process Automation.
Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Text Mining.
Design Science Research.
Innovation and Knowledge Management, Innovation in SMEs.
Benchmarking and Cost Efficiency.
Supply Chain Design.
Studies of industrial engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, graduating with a degree in industrial engineering (Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieur)
Professional Experience
Head of Logistics Projects / Head of Logistics Innovation, Siemens Building Technologies, Zug.
Senior Consultant, Siemens AG - Supply Chain Consulting, Erlangen / Munich.
Head of Purchasing Customer Service, Siemens Dematic, Offenbach/ Main.
Process Consultant Purchasing / Organization, Siemens Production and Logistics Systems, international.
Teaching Experience
- Program Head "MAS Business Process Engineering" (Continuing Education) -Integrated Business Software (Undergraduate Level)
- Business Process and IT Tools (1/2 (Undergraduate Level)
- Research project "Customer Journey managed by a Digital Twin for the Organization (DTO)", project partners: Squirro, Swiss Safety Center
- Research project "SME Front End Engine: Increasing the speed of innovation based on an "Intelligent Web Agent" in the Innovation Front End", project partners: Horváth & Partner, Heizmann AG
- Project "newERP", client: Krüger AG
- Project "Process design for mobile working in career and career counselling", client: Canton of St. Gallen, Department of Education
VNL - Verein Netzwerk Logistik Schweiz
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- RISS, U., GROHER, W. (2024). Optimizing Value Creation in Service System Design. The 2024 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications.
- GROHER, W., DIETSCHWEILER, M. (2023). Digital Case Study: Augmented Process Analysis and Optimization. In Köpke, J., et al. (Eds.), Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation and Educators Forum (pp. 222–229). Cham: Springer CCIS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43433-4_15
- GROHER, W., RISS, U. (2023). Digital Twin of the Organization for Support of Customer Journeys and Business Processes. 2nd International Workshop on Digital Twins for Business Processes.
- RISS, U., GROHER, W. (2022). Digital Twin of the Organization – New Requirements in Business Process Management and beyond. SAP Academic Community Conference 2022.
- GROHER, W., RADEMACHER, F. W., CSILLAGHY, A. (2019). Leveraging AI-based Decision Support for Opportunity Analysis. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9 (12), pp. 29-35. 10.22215/timreview/1289
Books and Research Monographs
- GROHER, W. (2022). Digitalisierung in FuE-schwachen KMU : ein IT-gestützter Ansatz zur Steigerung der Innovationsleistung. https://doi.org/10.26127/BTUOpen-6106
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- GROHER, W. (2024). Neue Studie zum Digital Twin of Organization: OST und BOC Group liefern Einblicke. LEADER Das Unternehmermagazin. St. Gallen.
- GROHER, W., STÖCKLER, S. (2022). Die digitale Transformation gestalten: So ist Process Mining effektiv. Netzwoche: Internet und E-Business in der Schweiz, 2022 (11), pp. 60-61.
- GROHER, W. (2019). From Data to Insights - VNL Expertenrunde Logistikinnovation 2018/19 zum Fokusthema "From Data to Insights". Logistics Innovation, 2019 (2), pp. 34-35.
- GROHER, W., SCHÖNHÄRL, J. (2019). Logistik Innovationsfelder: So lassen sich für Logistikunternehmen IT-gestützt neue Handlungsspielräume erschliessen. Logistics Innovation, 2019 (1), pp. 8-11.
- GROHER, W. (2024). Prozessmanagement - Neue Impulse für die Automatisierung und Digitalisierung. Staatskanzlei Kanton St. Gallen.
- GROHER, W., ZIEGLER, M. (2023). IT-Puls: Process Mining in der Praxis. OST-IPM.
- GROHER, W. (2022). Digitalisierungskonferenz 2022. OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule.
- GROHER, W., RISS, U. (2020). Der Customer Journey Ansatz …auf der (Daten-) Spur des Kunden. SVTI - Schweizerischer Verein für Technische Inspektionen.
Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions
- GROHER, W., RADEMACHER, F. W., CSILLAGHY, A. (2019). Leveraging AI-based Decision Support for Opportunity Analysis. ISPIM 2019.
- GROHER, W., RADEMACHER, F. W. (2018). Defuzzying the front-end of innovation: A data science-enabled approach to increase innovation performance in SMEs. IECER 2018.