Melanie Rickenmann

IPM Institut für Informations- und Prozessmanagementwissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
+41 58 257 15
Melanie Rickenmann is a research associate at the institute for information and process management
Area of Expertise
- data analysis
- data science
- natural language processing
- python
- recommender systems
- low code programming
- mathematics study with specialization mathematics in economics at TU Vienna
Professional Experience
- quality and statistics in the automotive sector
- quantitative data analysis and external funds research in asset management
- risk analysis in the insurance sector
- project employee in the startup sector
- ArealPlus
- Showcase Projekt AI@IPW
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- PEDRON, C., BALDAUF, M., ENDL, R., RICKENMANN, M. (2024). A Process-Oriented Decision Support System for Sustainable Urban Development Strategies. The 2024 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications (pp. 8).
- TÖDTLI, B., MÜLLER, S., RICKENMANN, M., VETSCH, J., HAUG, S. (2023). A Document Tagging Support System for Nursing Care Experts. LWDA 2023 (pp. 470-477). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Teaching-Related Publications
- PEDRON, C., RICKENMANN, M. (2023). Fallstudie zur technologischen Unterstützung im Prozessmanagement: Schatzsuche am b. Russell Gymnasium? Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 355.
Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions
- MÜLLER, S., TÖDTLI, B., VETSCH, J., RICKENMANN, M., HAUG, S., BALDAUF, M., FRÖHLICH, P. (2022). Designing Experts' Interactions with a Semi-Automated Document Tagging System., New Orleans, LA, United States of America.