Prof. Dr. Wilfried Lux

IFL Institut für Finance und LawLeiter Kompetenzzentrum Accounting und Corporate Finance

+41 58 257 13

Wilfried Lux is Professor for Accounting and Controlling at the Department of Business Management. His primary focus is strategic accounting, KPI systems, and Performance Management. He teaches accounting and capital budgeting. Previously, he worked as business consultant and management accountant in the industrial environment. He studied in Cologne and New York and hold a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen (HSG).

Area of Expertise

Strategic Accounting; Qualitative and quantitative evaluations; Strategy development and implementation, Balanced Scorecard


Ph.D. at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) - Total Quality Management; Business Administration at the University of Cologne; Master of Business Administration at Union College, Schenectady, New York

Professional Experience

Currently: Professor for Financial and Managerial Accounting at the Department of Busines Management; Head of Competence Center for Financial Management and Controlling;
Previously: Management Accountant at Vorwerk International; Senior Consultant and Consulting Manager at Deloitte Consulting and the Information Management Group (IMG)

Teaching Experience

Financial Accounting in Nursing Sciences; Capital Budgeting; Performance Management; Advisor for national and international student consulting projects (among others together with Babson College, Robert Morris University, Tongji University, Shanghai University)


Innosuisse Research Project "Corporate Resilience" (2021-2022); Innosuisse Research Project "Data Balance Sheet for SME - Valuation and Risks of Data" (2021-2023); Innosuisse Research Project "Future Scenarios and Benchmarking for public communities" (2019-2021); IBH (International University of Lake Constance) Research Project "Arts and Economy - Everyday arts as innovation and integration factor in companies in the region of Lake Constance: An Illustration with the example of music" (2017-2019); CTI (Commission for Technology and Innovation) Research Project "Intercultural Performance Management: Impact of National and Corporate Culture on Corporate Performance: Illustrated by Swiss Corporations in Russia" (2016-2018); Contribution to the sponsored Research Project "SME Mirror Switzerland", a swiss-wide survey about the economic situation and success factors of small and medium sized enterprises (2014-2019); CTI Research Project "Sustainability Performance Management: Integration of sustainability into the process of stategy development and implementation" (2014-2015); CTI Research Project "Application of fuzzy cognitive maps in the Strategic Performance Management of the tourism sector of Graubünden" (2013-2015); CTI Research Project "Risk-Scorecard: Integration of risk management into the process of strategy development and implementation" (2010-2012); CTI Research Project "Scorecard-based reference models" (2008-2010)


International Group of Controlling (IGC) (Area Leader Zürich-Eastern Switzerland)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • GEHRIG, M., LUX, W. (2023). Resilienz in Schweizer Unternehmen. Controlling & Management Review (früher: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management ZfCM), 67 (1), pp. 48-53.
  • TIETZ, R., KUGLER, P., WEIS, F. S., LUX, W., SCHELER, S. (2022). Das Beste aus zwei Welten. Wie etablierte Unternehmen und Start-ups Märkte erschließen. Der Betriebswirt - Management in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 63 (2), pp. 69-95.
  • GEHRIG, M., LUX, W. (2020). Strategisches Controlling im Familienunternehmen. Controlling & Management Review (früher: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management ZfCM), 64 (1), pp. 30-38.
  • LUX, W., FLISCH, R. (2019). Integrated Measurement of Social Innovations. European Public and Social Innovation Review, 4 (1), pp. 1-14.
  • LUX, W. (2014). Integrated Performance Management – Strategy, Risk and Sustainability Management. Review of Economic and Business Studies, 2 (1).

Books and Research Monographs

  • GEHRIG, M., HAUSER, M., LUX, W. (2024). Finanzielles Rechnungswesen in der Schweiz. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
  • GEHRIG, M., HAUSER, M., LUX, W. (2024). Finanzielles Rechnungswesen in der Schweiz Übungsbuch. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
  • LUX, W., FINK-MENNEL, E., MORANDI, P., NÄNNY, M. (2019). Handbuch Alltagskunst. Kooperationen zwischen Musik und Wirtschaft: Erfolgsmodelle für die Praxis (1 ed.). Berlin: Frank & Timme.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • LUX, W., STEINER, M., OTT, S. C. (2018). Kosten in der gynäkologischen Onkologie. In Senn, B. & Mayer, H. (Eds.), Gynäkologisch-onkologische Pflege – Bedürfnisse der Patientinnen und interprofessionelle Praxis (pp. 174-181). Hogrefe Verlag.

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • TIETZ, R., LUX, W., SCHELER, S., RUDIN, F. (2024). Datenbilanz - Die Rolle von Daten bei der Unternehmensbewertung. Expert Focus, 98 (April), pp. 192-197. Zürich.
  • LUX, W., TIETZ, R., SCHELER, S., RUDIN, F. (2024). Kostenorientierte Bewertung von Daten. Controller Magazin, Ausgabe 3 (3), pp. 36-41.
  • TIETZ, R., LUX, W., RUDIN, F. (2023, August). Datenbasierte Geschäftsmodelle. KMU Magazin, 26 (7/8), pp. 94-99.
  • LUX, W., KRABICHLER, T., GEHRIG, M. (2023). Mit unternehmerischer Resilienz Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sichern. WEKA Newsletter.
  • PALLAS, S., LUX, W., CHRISTODOULOU, A. (2020). Anforderungen an ein resilientes Geschäftsmodell nach der Corona-Krise. Controller Magazin (5), pp. 38-45.
  • LUX, W., KUGLER, P., WEIS, F. S., TIETZ, R. (2020). KMU: Ihr Umgang mit Unsicherheit und Risiken. Organisator (10/2020), pp. 30-31.
  • TIETZ, R., KUGLER, P., WEIS, F. S., LUX, W. (2019). Digitale Projekte Schweizer KMU. personalSCHWEIZ (6), pp. 25-27.
  • GEHRIG, M., LUX, W., KRAPP, F. (2018, August). Controlling und Wirtschaftsprüfung, Chancen einer konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit (Teil 1). Controller Magazin.
  • GEHRIG, M., LUX, W., KRAPP, F. (2018, October). Controlling und Wirtschaftsprüfung, Chancen einer konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit (Teil 2). Controller Magazin.
  • LUX, W., OLBERT-BOCK, S. (2016, September). Strategisches Controlling als Teil des Sustainability Performance Managements - auch für KMU. Controller Magazin, 5.
  • OLBERT-BOCK, S., LUX, W., BUSSMAN, C., GARRELS, S. (2015). Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement erfolgreich im Unternehmen professionalisieren. IM + io: das Magazin fur Innovation, Organisation und Management, 2015 (3), pp. 50-57.
  • TIETZ, R., LUX, W. (2014). Schneller, digitaler, interaktiver – Die digitale Transformation in Schweizer KMU. Fachhochschule St.Gallen, pp. 85-93. St.Gallen.


  • LUX, W. (2020). Alltagskunst als Innovations- und Integrationsfaktor - illustriert am Beispiel der Musik. Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium; Internationales Symposium für Kultur- & Musikschaffende sowie für Entscheidungsträger/innen (4./5.2.2020).
  • GATTINGER, H., MAURER, C., HANTIKAINEN, V., LUX, W., OTT, S. C., PLANK, D., FRINGER, A. (2019). Activity of Daily Living Support in End of Life Care. Closing symposium on the SAMS funding program Research in Palliative Care 2014–2018.
  • LUX, W. (2019). Alltagskunst trifft Wirtschaft - Einblicke in eine Forschungsprojekt. Festabend 45 Jahre Vorarlberger VolksLiedWerk; VolksLiedWerk (10.11.2019).
  • LUX, W. (2019). Measuring digital social innovations. International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC); Glasgow Caledonian University (2.-4.9.2019).
  • LUX, W. (2019). Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung - Resultate einer empirischen Erhebung in der Schweiz. Controllerverein Russland; Controller Congress (17.5.2019).
  • LUX, W. (2018). Innovative Interactions between Music and the Economy. Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER); MCI Innsbruck (26./27.9.2018).
  • LUX, W. (2018). Integrated Measurement of Social Innovation - Success factors and key performance indicators. International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), University Heidelberg (05.09.2018).
  • LUX, W. (2018). Quantifizierung kultureller Risiken. CARF Luzern - Controlling, Accounting, Risiko, Finanzen - Wissenschaftliche Konferenz für praxisorientierte Forschung und Lehre, IFZ, Hochschule Luzern (06./07.09.2018).
  • LUX, W. (2018). Erfolgsfaktoren sozialer Innovationen. Fachtagung Soziale Innovationen - Erfahrungen, Kontroversen, Perspektiven; FH Nordwestschweiz (2.2.2018).
  • LUX, W. (2016). The Link between National and Corporate Culture - The example of Russia and Switzerland. Presentation at the Denison European Forum for Culture Research in Stein/Rhein (2016); Dension Consulting Europe (2.-4.11.2016).
  • LUX, W. (2015). Flexibles Controlling in volatilen Zeiten. Presentation at the Controller Congress of the Russian Controller Association in Ryazan, Controllerverein Russland (8.10.2015).
  • LUX, W. (2015). Sustainability Scorecard - Intgration sustainable goals into Performance Management. Presentation at the 5th World Sustainability Forum in Basel (7.-9.9.2015).