BREF Project AALiving – Constructing a natural testing environment for AAL

The goal of AALiving Lab@home is to enable older adults to continue living independently in their usual surroundings for as long as possible. The development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies is vital for this purpose. In this project, end users (e.g. older adults, their relatives or carers) are invited to participate in the development of technologies. The solutions that are designed are adapted to the actual needs of the users in their everyday lives and are sustainable and accepted. Living Labs consist of private households in eastern Switzerland which combine innovation/development environments and test settings in natural living surroundings. The end users are equal partners in the creation of solutions. To reduce social inequalities, disadvantaged groups of the population are explicitly taken into account. The collaboration between members of the public and technology, business, science and politics makes it possible to develop sustainable solutions that enable people to lead worthwhile lives in familiar surroundings in old age.


Project team

Sabina Misoch (IAF; Lead); Urs Guggenbühl (AAL; Stv. Lead); Cora Pauli (IAF); Stephanie Lehmann (IAF); Felix Hug (AAL); Beda Meienberger (AAL)


Gebert Rüf Stiftung, Programm «Brückenschläge mit Erfolg» (BREF)

