Research project
Preliminary study self-assessment ESG-profiling
The research project deals with a more differentiated recording of sustainability customer needs in the investment process.
In cooperation with the digital investment platform UMushroom, the University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland (OST) has developed an innovative model for the targeted recording of investors' individual ESG (environment, social, governance) preferences. As part of the ‘Self-Assessment ESG-Profiling’ project, personal sustainability preferences are recorded and visualised to enable investors to make financial decisions in line with their own values.
This scientifically based model enables the impact of investments on the environment and society to be better reflected and categorised. The focus is on helping investors to make more conscious and self-determined investment decisions. The project is helping to strengthen the inclusion of ESG criteria in the financial sector and make sustainable investing simpler and more transparent. In the future, extended functions, such as the comparison of the personal sustainability profile with one's own portfolio or automated recommendations, could also support the use of the model.
Duration: 16.02.2022 - 30.12.2022
UMushroom AG
Pascal Egloff, M.A. HSG, CEMS MIM, FRM
IFL Institut für Finance und LawLeiter Kompetenzzentrum Banking und Finance
+41 58 257 13