Studying Technical Sciences

Engineers are in demand. Human labour is being replaced by modern, sophisticated machines and equipment in nearly all areas of life. Thanks to the excellent research at Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and its direct integration into the course, you will become familiar with the latest technologies and trends and can start applying your knowledge to real world situations immediately after completing your studies.

OST International Week 2023


Professors from partner universities around the world will visit OST, present their own and give guest lectures on exciting topics that open up new perspectives.

For the Department of Computer Science, two professors are coming, one from a university in London and the other from a university in New York.

Topics of the guest lectures:

From digital crimes to court in the UK (Philip Anderson, Northumbria University - London).

Using real-world examples, this session will explore digital crimes, starting with the types of digital devices used today, their importance at a crime scene and the evidence they might contain for an investigation. Techniques for collecting, securing and presenting digital evidence from digital devices will also be discussed, highlighting the different approaches to different devices, e.g. a module, a network router or a smart home device, e.g. Amazon Alexa. This presentation is open to anyone interested in digital investigations.

How to read the human brain (Christoforos Christoforou, St.John's University - New York).

Towards reading the human brain: applications in brain-computer interfacing, neurokinematics and the study of human cognition.

Recent advances in machine learning and neuroscience research now allow us to "read" the human brain and establish a direct data link between a user's thoughts and computer systems. Such technologies open up opportunities for the development of novel neurotechnology-based software solutions that harness the computational power of the human brain to enhance human performance and experience. Such brain-integrated applications can transform research, medicine, science and business, and change society in profound ways. This session will present current research and technologies that facilitate the development of novel neurotechnology-enabled solutions and discuss potential application areas.