Dr.Ing. Christoph Baumgarten

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementDozent für Wirtschaftsinformatik
+41 58 257 17 64christoph.baumgarten@ost.ch
Area of Expertise
Thematic focuses:
- Digitalization of collaboration
- IT governance, IT strategies, agile system development processes, citizen development, IT service management, information security, IT outsourcing / cloud, system architectures
- Project management, process management, change management
- Information life cycle management, database systems, web content management, information retrieval
- Software development (C, C++, js, node.js, angular, perl, ..., webkit, gtk, gstreamer, ...), low code platforms
- 1995 – 1999: Doctoral studies in the graduate college 'Tools for the effective use of parallel and distributed computer systems' at the Dresden University of Technology
- 1996, 1998: Academic guest at the ETH Zurich
- 1988 – 1995: Studies of Computer Science at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
- 1994 – 1995: Visiting Scholar at Arizona State University, Tempe, U.S.A.
- 1992: Studies of Computer Science at the Université de Picardie, Amiens, France
Professional Experience
- Since 2017: Lecturer for Business Informatics at the Institute for Information and Process Management at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST).
- 2009 – 2017: CIO and Head of Department of Information Technology at the University of St. Gallen (HSG)
- 2003 – 2009: Head Capability Development AIM (Aeronautical Information Management) at Skyguide
- 1998 – 2003: System Development Director / Project Manager / Software Engineer at Eurospider Information Technology AG, a spin-off from ETH Zurich
Teaching Experience
- Information Management
- Process Management
- Data Modeling
- Databases & Information Systems
- Software Lab
- Collaboration in the digital age (Context Studies OST)
- Professional Development of Web Applications (Context Studies UniSG)
St.Galler IT Bildungsoffensive: Innovative teaching and learning (digital campus, learning factory & learning labs)
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- BAUMGARTEN, C., ENDL, R., STICH, S. (2024). Professionelle Softwareentwicklung mit Low Code optimieren – eine Fallstudie. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 61 (5), pp. 22.
- STÖCKLER, S., HÄNGGI, R., BERNHARDSGRÜTTER, R., BAUMGARTEN, C. (2021). Industrie 4.0 begreifbar machen – Die SmartFactory@OST. In Lennart Brand, Karin Gräslund, Dietmar Kilian, Helmut Krcmar, Klaus Turowski, Holger Wittges (Eds.), Proceedings of the SAP Academic Community Conference 2021 DACH (pp. 208-224). https://doi.org/10.14459/2021md1622154
- BAUMGARTEN, C., SIMEON, A., WILHELM, M. (2020). Citizen Developers Driving the Digital Campus. European Journal of Higher Education IT, 2020 (1), pp. 1-12.
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- BAUMGARTEN, C., BRENNER, A., ENGELKE, D., STÖCKLER, S., THIEL, C., THOMA, A., ZIMMERMANN, H.-D. (2022). Perspektiven auf das Konzept der digitalgestützten Zusammenarbeit. Springer Gabler, pp. 143-177. Wiesbaden.
- BAUMGARTEN, C., MÜLLER, A. (2020). "Einen Mercedes in der Garage, aber der Führerschein fehlt?" Über die Herausforderungen von Zusammenarbeit.. Springer Fachmedien , pp. 239-253. Wiesbaden.
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2017). Erfolgreiche Universitätsverwaltung. Springer Gabler, pp. 153-172. Wiesbaden. 10.1007/978-3-658-16125-5
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2023). Die Demokratisierung der Softwareentwicklung: Low-Code in der Praxis. Zühlke: Low-Code for Commerce, aber wie und wozu?.
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2023). Digitalisierung: Chance & Herausforderung. WAS - Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Soziales.
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2023). Programmieren (fast) ohne Programmierkenntnisse? (Wie) Geht das?. Zühlke Inhouse.
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2022). Die digitalen Möglichkeiten nutzen: Ansätze und ihre Wirkung (IGAKIS Thementagung 2022). IGAKIS.
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2021). Die digitale Transformation beschleunigen: Der Low-Code-Ansatz mit seinen Chancen und Herausforderungen. adesso / Impuls Breakfast Hybrid Business.
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2021). Low-Code Aktivitäten an der OST - LowCodeLab@OST. Professionelle Software (fast) ohne Programmierung: Low-Code in der Praxis.
- BAUMGARTEN, C., MÜLLER, A. (2019). "Einen Mercedes in der Garage, aber der Führerschein fehlt?" Über die Herausforderungen von Zusammenarbeit. 2. St.Galler New Work Forum, St.Gallen (09.01.2019).
- BAUMGARTEN, C. (2018). 8 Years of Experience in SCRUM- and KANBAN-driven Development of Campus-supporting Software Systems. EUNIS 2018.
Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions
- BAUMGARTEN, C., ENDL, R., LAMPERT, R. (2023). Business Development Opportunities for Software Manufacturers using Low-Code. Workshop 'Democratization of IT through Low Code Development Platforms - A Dream Coming True or Same Same but Different?', European Conference on Information Systems ECIS.
- BAUMGARTEN, C., SIMEON, A., WILHELM, M. (2020). Citizen Developers Driving the Digital Campus. EUNIS 2020.
- BAUMGARTEN, C., BUTTAZONI, C., MAYER, A. (2018). 8 Years of Experience in SCRUM- and KANBAN-driven Development of Campus-supporting Software Systems. EUNIS 2018 Congress Proceedings.
Author | Title | Year | Type |
Luca Matteo Becci | Digitalisierungsansätze für das Shopfloor Management bei Sulzer Mixpac AG | 2020 | Bachelorarbeit |