Michael Czarniecki, M.A. in VWL HSG

IOL Institut für Organisation und LeadershipDozent für Unternehmensentwicklung
+41 58 257 17 65michael.czarniecki@ost.ch
Michael Czarniecki is a lecturer at the Institute for Organisation and Leadership. He focuses on the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular on new market needs, business model innovation and exchange rate issues. He teaches international business development and international economics. In addition to his work at OST, he is on the board of Solid Chemicals, a family-owned enterprise. As part of his research activities, he founded BeeUp with Prof. Ivo Blohm from IWI-HSG.
Area of Expertise
- Competitiveness: Business Development and Business Model Innovation
- New Market Needs
- Organisation of Innovation in the structures of a SME
- M.A. in economics HSG
- Business Teacher Degree HSG
- CAS of Management in Life Sciences EPFL
Professional Experience
- Lecturer at the Institute for Organisation and Leadership (IOL)
- Project manager in service and research at the IOL
- Management of Solid Chemicals GmbH and BeeUp GmbH
- Collaboration in process innovation projects at Robert Bosch GmbH
Teaching Experience
- International Economics (Bachelor)
- International Business Development (Bachelor-Stufe)
- Coach for projects in experiential learning
- Excursion to Munich
- Coaching of hundreds of users on BeeUp
- Diverse projects in business model innovation (molding, Air&Space, Pharma, Cleantech, Electronics)
- Coaching of management teams for organisational developement (hierachy, agility, matrix organisation, etc)
- Business Model Innovation to reduce CO2 emissions and create a circular economy.
- Swiss and international projects with decision makers of municipalities to increase the quality of life in cities (satisfaction, attractiveness).
Swiss Cleantech Association
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- SCHERER, L., CZARNIECKI, M., SPINNLER, D., BAUMGARTNER, R. (2021). Bumerangeffekte in der Führung. zfo - Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 90 (5), pp. 306-311.
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., SCHERER, L., BLOHM, I. (2017). Potentiale und Hindernisse von Crowdsourcing für Unternehmensentwicklung und Geschäftsmodellinnovation – Ein methodischer Ansatz zur Transformation von Organisationen. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 54 (5), pp. 741-756. 10.1365/s40702-017-0341-2
Chapters in Edited Books
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., SCHERER, L., BLOHM, I. (2019). Systematische Unternehmensentwicklung und Geschäftsmodellinnovation durch die Integration kollektiver Intelligenz (1 ed.). In Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Christoph Lattemann (Eds.), Digital Customer Experience (pp. 255-269). Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg. 10.1007/978-3-658-22542-1_18
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., SCHERER, L. (2018). Improving Business Development Through Crowdsourcing Supported Consulting—A Methodical Approach (1 ed.). In Volker Nissen (Ed.), Digital Transformation of the Consulting Industry (pp. 277-298). Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 10.1007/978-3-319-70491-3_11
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., KRESSIG, C., SCHERER, L. (2017). Satisfaction Benchmark for Smart Cities (1 ed.). In Anna Brdulak, Halina Brdulak (Eds.), Happy City - How to Plan and Create the Best Livable Area for the People (pp. 71-102). Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 10.1007/978-3-319-49899-7_5
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- SCHERER, L., CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M. (2019). Agile Hochschulbildung für eine Agile Arbeitswelt. Springer Vieweg, pp. 277-293. Wiesbaden.
- CZARNIECKI, M. (2013). Was Lublin anders macht. St. Galler Tagblatt. St.Gallen.
Teaching-Related Publications
- CZARNIECKI, M. (2018). Writing of 9 case studies on www.beeup.com.