Mag. Martina Bechter

Studiengang Departement Wirtschaft
+41 58 257 14
Martina Bechter is a lecturer and project manager. At the Knowledge Transfer Unit she is active in teaching and coaching of practical projects with a focus on organizational development, scientific working and writing, project management etc.
Area of Expertise
- Organisational Development
- Scientific working and writing
- Strategic consulting
- Population participation processes
- EU (large-scale) projects
- Strategic university development focus on teaching development
Master of Science in Business Administration and Social Sciences at Universita of Innsbruck, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, University of New Orleans; Mag. rer. soc. oec.
Professional Experience
- Lecturer at the knowledge transfer office
- Program manager for international practical projects (JUSP) in cooperation with Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, USA (Undergraduate level)
Teaching Experience
- Scientific working and writing (Undergraduate level)
- Project Management (Undergraduate level)
- Problem solving skills (Undergraduate level)
- Module responsibility for Bachelor Thesis, Joint US Swiss Program, etc. (Undergraduate level)
- Coach for practical projects in the areas of organizational development and market research (Undergraduate level)
Fulbright Scholar Education Expert Seminar 2012 "Universities as Impetus for Innovation and Entrepreneurship," Austin, Texas.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- BECHTER, M., BRÖNIMANN, C., IVANCIC, R., MÜLLER, P. (2019). Angewandte Wissenschaften an der Fachhochschule St.Gallen. Praxisprojekte als Bindeglied zwischen akademischer, praxisorientierter Ausbildung und wirtschaftlichem Nutzen. Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs, 38, pp. 131-140.
Chapters in Edited Books
- BRÖNIMANN, C., IVANCIC, R., BECHTER, M. (2021). Einfachheit in didaktischer Form - Erkenntnis durch komplexe Herausforderungen - Wissenstransfer in studentischen Beratungsprojekten. In Julia Schütz, Gerald Moll (Eds.), Wissenstransfer - Komplexitätsreduktion-Design(pp. 131-149). wbv Media.
- BRÖNIMANN, C., IVANCIC, R., BECHTER, M. (2021). Diversity & Cultural Fit - Erfolgsfaktoren des Wissenstransfers durch internationale studentische Praxisprojekte. Wissens- und Technologietransfer der Fachhochschulen - Neue Wege auf der Basis bewährter Konzepte.