The IAF's Projects

Expired Projects

Research project

Identity constructions for retirement: contents and processes of identity work in the transition to the post-acquisition phase

In the course of demographic change, a growing number of people in Switzerland are reaching retirement age. For those affected, retirement is accompanied by diverse and drastic changes and in this sense can be seen as a particularly sensitive period of life for coming to terms with one's own identity.

Research project

Robot "NAO" in action: promoting movement for older people

Robots are increasingly being used to assist older people.

Research project

Digital divide - What do older employees really need in the context of digital transformation?

The project in cooperation between the HR-Panel New Work and the Institute of Age Research dealt with the question to what extent an age-related digital divide is perceived in companies and what role age-discriminatory prejudices play in this context.

Research project

Instant messaging and social relationships: Effects of WhatsApp use on the subjectively experienced quality and shaping of social relationships of persons 65+

Against the background of a significant increase in internet use by older people (65+), also on mobile devices, the project addresses the question of what effects the use of WhatsApp has on the subjectively experienced quality and the shaping of social relationships of users aged 65+.

Research project

Mobility needs of people 65+

In order to develop a product that supports the mobility of older people and meets their needs, senior citizens are involved in the development of the product from the very beginning.

Research project

Testing the PARO robotic seal on socially isolated nursing home residents

The robotic seal PARO was developed in Japan for therapeutic use with people suffering from dementia. In a current project, the Interdisciplinary Competence Centre Ageing is investigating the effect of PARO in an expanded context.


Institute for Ageing Research IAF
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St.Gallen, Switzerland

Phone +41 71 226 18 20

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