The IAF's Projects

Expired Projects

Research project

Development and testing of a questionnaire on the topic of "Robots as support for older people".

The topic of "robots as support for older people" is highly topical. So far, however, there is little knowledge about the actual attitudes, fears and hopes of the Swiss population regarding this topic.

Research project

Affective factors of robot acceptance among people 60+

Against the backdrop of the societal challenges posed by demographic change and the expected shortage of skilled workers in the care sector, the use of robots to assist in care or service activities for older people is being discussed.

Research project

Needs assessment in the communities of Speicher and Trogen for community residents 65+

A needs assessment is to be carried out to find out how community residents aged 65+ would like to live and reside and what needs arise in this context.

Research project

Smart Cuff

As part of the "Smart Cuff" project, the IKOA, in cooperation with various project partners, is conducting field tests of wearable medical devices that use sensors to measure and record various vital data, such as blood pressure or temperature.

Research project

Satisfaction survey in the Rotmonten old people's home

On behalf of the retirement home Rotmonten (SG), the IAF conducted a comprehensive satisfaction survey of residents of the retirement home and their relatives.

Research project

Digitisation & Age - On the use of digital services by people 65+

As part of the study "Digitalisation & Ageing", the IAF conducted a survey (online & paper-pencil) of people 65+ on their attitudes and perceptions of self-service technologies (digitalised services).


Institute for Ageing Research IAF
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St.Gallen, Switzerland

Phone +41 71 226 18 20

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