Research project
Data Science made simple for SMEs in operations
Digital solutions per se are no longer bound by national or organizational borders. Instead, new forms of collaboration are emerging that focus on the competencies of the partners, such as ecosystems. In the current, still early phase of the digitization of SMEs, it is also to be expected that especially those companies will work together on the development of digital services and products which are in a comparable phase of digitization.
SMEs in the Lake Constance region also face similar challenges and opportunities in an international comparison. The economic competitiveness in the Lake Constance region is predominantly due to the many innovative SMEs. They differ from large companies not only by their company size, but also by qualitative characteristics such as a specific management culture, great flexibility and innovative strength. In contrast to
Unlike large companies, SMEs are also characterized by a pronounced scarcity of resources, so that resources must be used in a targeted and prudent manner. Across countries, the high location and production costs of the Lake Constance region represent a major challenge. Many SMEs are therefore forced to implement digital solutions as a first step to increase efficiency, and as a second step also to differentiate themselves in order to secure a competitive position in the global environment.
In terms of Data Science-based products and services (e.g. predictive maintenance, performance contracting, etc.), approaches are being shaped by global pioneers (e.g. companies headquartered in Silicon Valley). It is unclear to what extent these topics can be adapted and made usable for SMEs in the Lake Constance region. With regard to the possible establishment of platforms and cooperations, the development of cross-border value creation networks should be considered.
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 30.06.2019
Fachhochschule Vorarlberg
Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung
Prof. Dr. Petra Kugler
ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingKompetenzzentrum Strategisches Management
+41 58 257 13

Prof. Dr. Rigo Tietz
ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingLeiter Kompetenzzentrum Strategisches Management
+41 58 257 13