Research project
Data Sharing Framework für KMU
How can data-based collaborations between SMEs in the ABH region be fostered through a data sharing framework adequately tailored to your needs?
The substantive goal of the project is to analyze how data-based collaborations between SMEs can be fostered by a data sharing framework that is adequately tailored to their needs. The substantive goal can only be achieved by overcoming formal boundaries. It involves (1) country boundaries, (2) institutional boundaries, and (3) disciplinary boundaries, so a second project goal is to overcome these boundaries. To achieve this, a close cooperation between the university partners from AT, CH and D is foreseen throughout the project. They represent the disciplines of technology, economics and law, which will be integrated in the project. In addition, a continuous dialogue between the universities, SMEs and business networks of the program region, as well as between the SMEs of all three countries, is aimed at developing solutions tailored to the specific situation of the companies. In this way, mutual learning becomes possible.
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 30.06.2023
Fachhochschule Vorarlberg
Prof. Dr. Petra Kugler
ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingKompetenzzentrum Strategisches Management
+41 58 257 13