Research project
DecenTGrids – Decentral Storages for Energy Management in Thermal Grids
Heat storages can assist in the rational dimensioning and operation of thermal networks. They can smooth out peak loads and eliminate the need for fossil-fuelled peak load boilers. Heat surpluses can be stored temporarily. Decentralised storage systems can relieve the load on individual sections of the grid or enable grid densification and expansion. They are also ideal for the efficient integration of decentralised heat generators. This project aims to quantify potential cost and emission savings by implementing decentralised thermal storage systems in various district heating networks. The project will provide recommendations for the dimensioning and operation of these storage systems. Additionally, an Excel user tool will be developed to assist planners in determining the impact of storage systems on power distribution and thermal network costs.
Contact: Daniel Philippen
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 31.08.2025
Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Research programme «Solar Heat and Heat Storage»
Verenum AG, Zürich
Daniel Philippen
SPF Institut für SolartechnikCo-Teamleiter SPF Gebäude & Thermische Netze
+41 58 257 48

Florian Ruesch
SPF Institut für SolartechnikCo-Teamleiter SPF Gebäude & Thermische Netze
+41 58 257 48