Research project
DenkMalSolar – Aesthetic integration of solar energy on sensitive buildings
What options are there for implementing well-integrated solar systems that are also suitable for listed buildings (special architecture or historic interest)? What technologies are available for this, what do they cost compared to "ordinary" solar energy systems, and do they deliver the same yield? These questions were investigated by SPF on behalf of the Office for Energy and Transport of the Canton of Graubünden. As a result, a catalog of available solar technologies was published, which is also made available online here (in German).
Contact: Michel Haller

Duration: - 08.07.2022
Evelyn Bamberger
SPF Institut für SolartechnikTeamleiterin SPF Photovoltaik, Dozentin
+41 58 257 48

Dr. Andreas Bohren
SPF Institut für SolartechnikStv. Institutsleiter SPF, Leiter SPF Testing, Teamleiter SPF Testing & Monitoring
+41 58 257 48

Dr. Michel Haller
SPF Institut für SolartechnikStv. Institutsleiter SPF, Dozent, Leiter SPF Research, Teamleiter SPF Energiesysteme
+41 58 257 48