Research project
Hybrid BioVGE (H2020) – Hybrid Variable Geometry Ejector Cooling and Heating System for Buildings Driven by Solar and Biomass Heat
Within the EU project Hybrid-BioVGE an innovative system for heating and cooling is developed. The cooling device is based on a Variable Geometry Ejection (VGE) cooler. Driving energy is heat from solar collectors or from biomass. SPF is supporting the development of collectors that deliver heat at 75 – 90 °C, and is testing the heating and cooling system with the established Concise Cycle Test (CCT) method. This method is specifically adapted in order to be able to test also cooling systems.
The project is supported by the research programme H2020 of the European Union – grant agreement ID: 818012, acronym Hybrid-BioVGE
Contact: Robert Haberl

Duration: 01.06.2019 - 31.05.2023
Andreas Reber
SPF Institut für SolartechnikProjektleiter SPF, Dozierender
+41 58 257 48