Research project
IEA Wind Task 43
Since 2023, Sarah Barber has been acting as Co-Operating Agent of IEA Wind Task 43 (Digitalisation). Part of the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme, IEA Wind Task 43 aims to unlock the full value of wind energy data.
Part of the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme, IEA Wind Task 43 aims to unlock the full value of wind energy data. We want to do this by acting as a catalyst in overcoming technical, commercial and social digital transformation challenges by delivering insights, recommendations, standards and tools through open collaboration within and beyond the wind energy community. Our work is divided into the following working groups:
WG1 (Data): This working group aims to contribute to solving the first Grand Challenge “Creating FAIR data frameworks”, which is related to the topic of “data”.
WG2 (Culture): This working group aims to contribute to solving the second Grand Challenge “Connecting people and data to foster innovation”, which is related to the topic of “culture”.
WG3 (Coopetition): This working group aims to contribute to solving the third Grand Challenge “Enabling collaboration and competition between organisations”, which is related to the topic of “coopetition”.
WG4 (Use Case Demonstration)": We run regular use case “deep dive” workshops in order to allow the priority use cases to be worked on by all task participants. The goal of these deep dives is to quantify the value of digitalisation in solving the key frustrations (or «pain points») related to each activity (or «use case»”, e.g. how much can the efficiency be improved or costs reduced?
Find out more here.
Project duration: 01.09.2023 – 01.09.2026

Dr. Sarah Barber
IET Institut für EnergietechnikFachbereichsleiterin Wind Energy Innovation
+41 58 257 42

Yuriy Marykovskiy
IET Institut für EnergietechnikWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
+41 58 257 13