Research project
Decision-makers in public administration and authorities face the challenge that most issues/problems are highly complex and are influenced by a multitude of "soft" factors. This is especially true of the energy policy realm.
Our project aims at developing an integrated methodology for model-based decision support which combines simulation models from system dynamics and text mining approaches for the learning of association networks from text documents. The resulting method is then applied to questions about how best to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
Duration: 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012
KTI Projekt-Nr. 12947.1-PFES-ES
FHS St. Gallen - Institut für Modellbildung und Simulation, FHS St. Gallen - Institut für Informations- und Prozessmanagement, Stadt St. Gallen, Stadt Schaffhausen, Stadt Winterthur, ai-one ag