Research project
ProsumerSkin – New solution for renovation of multifamily buildings
This pilot and demonstration project shows new ways for the cost-efficient renovation of multifamily houses to «nearly zero energy» buildings. The core components are multifunctional facade elements which, in addition to thermal insulation and windows with integrated comfort ventilation, contain both power generation with photovoltaics and the distribution of space heating. In a first phase of the project, the building physics fundamentals are analyzed and the feasibility is demonstrated with a prototype and simulations. In a second phase, a multifamily building in Bern will be renovated with this new concept.
Flyer ProsumerSkin (PDF, German)
Factsheet ProSumerSkin (PDF, German)
Contact: Daniel Philippen
Duration: 01.09.2017 - 30.06.2024
Damian Birchler
SPF Institut für SolartechnikWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter SPF
+41 58 257 41
Dr. Michel Haller
SPF Institut für SolartechnikStv. Institutsleiter SPF, Dozent, Leiter SPF Research, Teamleiter SPF Energiesysteme
+41 58 257 48

Alexander Schmitt
SPF Institut für SolartechnikProjektleiter SPF
+41 58 257 41