Research project
Research Data Alliance grant
Recommendations for improving cross-disciplinary FAIR data sharing in wind energy
The goal of this project is to create and adopt a set of recommendations for improving cross-disciplinary FAIR data sharing in wind energy. This is desperately needed in the wind energy industry, and a lack of data sharing is one of the largest barriers to reducing costs of wind energy and contributing to the world’s ambitious net zero goals. We therefore want to use this funding to investigate how data standards – and in particular the vast knowledge available from the RDA outputs – can be applied to the WeDoWind Ecosystem, ultimately improving cross-disciplinary FAIR data sharing in wind energy. The steps to achieve this are as follows:
- Review and evaluate existing initiatives related to metadata in wind energy, including RDA outputs;
- Adopt and test the existing recommendations in a pilot data-sharing project;
- Create a set of new recommendations for enabling cross-disciplinary FAIR data sharing in wind energy.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017536. The funding was awarded through the RDA ( Open Call mechanism ( based on evaluations of external, independent experts.

Duration: 01.12.2022 - 01.01.2025
Dr. Sarah Barber
IET Institut für EnergietechnikFachbereichsleiterin Wind Energy Innovation
+41 58 257 42