Research project
Robotics platform
Development and implementation of an information platform for existing robotic systems in the field of care and support for ageing people
Currently, robotic systems are being developed and tested in different areas of research and industry for the elderly and care sector. In order to obtain an up-to-date overview of existing offers and possibilities, a central, multilingual, independent and comprehensive digital information platform on existing robotic systems for support in old age will be developed so that existing possibilities can be efficiently used and further developed. This information platform should cover the existing needs for information and knowledge of both ageing and care organisations but also of the general public and also promote the exchange of the interested public and stakeholders through various functions.
Media Release, 11 December 2023 (German)
Steering Committee
- Charlotte Gubler, Fondazione Garbald
- Marco Hutter, Robotic Systems Lab, ETH
- Denise Moser, SVS Schweizerischer Verband für Seniorenfragen
- Marianne Pfister, Spitex Schweiz
- Alexander Widmer, Pro Senectute Schweiz
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 30.06.2024
Project Lad and Project Team IAF
Monika Freund Schoch
IAF Institut für AltersforschungWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
+41 58 257 17

Simone Eicher
IAF Institut für AltersforschungLeiterin Kompetenzzentrum Technologische Innovationen und Alter
+41 58 257 16