Research project
Instant messaging and social relationships: Effects of WhatsApp use on the subjectively experienced quality and shaping of social relationships of persons 65+
Against the background of a significant increase in internet use by older people (65+), also on mobile devices, the project addresses the question of what effects the use of WhatsApp has on the subjectively experienced quality and the shaping of social relationships of users aged 65+.
Of particular interest are the effects on the emotional connection with people in the social network as well as on the form of relationships and contacts with these people. The research is based on a qualitative survey of 30 WhatsApp users aged 65+, which includes the creation of ego-centred network maps and the conduct of guided interviews.
Duration: 01.11.2018 - 01.05.2020
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
- Ausschreibung "Digital Lives"
Rhea Braunwalder
IAF Institut für AltersforschungWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
+41 58 257 18

Cora Pauli
IAF Institut für AltersforschungWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
+41 58 257 18